
If you are at all interested in furthering your writing then do something to help yourself. The support, the critiques, the forthright and honest feedback [in the Writers’ Block] is all part of what you get. The community and “neighbors” are the perks.

Carol Roberts

Carol Roberts

Putting yourself out there for a critique is not easy…The best thing about Katie’s comments is that
while she is straight out honest and exacting, she also never misses a
chance to praise the good stuff. She may be your toughest critic, but
she is also your biggest fan. Priceless!

Meline Ivy Knago

Meline Ivy Knago

I look forward to the monthly online critique workshops, aka “Block Parties.” The critiques are extremely helpful. The Writers’ Block provides me with lots of great tips and inspiration and I enjoy the interviews and contest. I find myself referring The Writers’ Block to writers I meet. Katie is amazing; she goes the extra mile for us and her professionalism is outstanding. I feel like I have a family within this group – an important extra bonus to all the learning to hone my writing skills!

Nina Tubis Ward

Nina Tubis Ward

I frequently find that the critiques have me looking at my work from a different angle. Even while listening to someone else’s work being read and examined, I hear things that make me aware of some of my own bad habits. It’s not always comfortable to hear criticism but I think true learning needs to shake us up a bit. I look forward to the online critique workshops every month.

Debbie Roy

Debbie Roy