Lots of kids don’t like to read. This isn’t news. Wouldn’t it be great if we could figure out fun and creative ways to stack the deck in favor of a future love of books? Make it a game from…
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In this episode you'll hear
a review from Mr. Schu: The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate
the global read aloud
me talk about the awesome Kickstarter project by Sue Shanahan (see video below!)
Sue's HuffPo piece…
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Last week was the Kidlitosphere Conference 2012 that is, KidLitCon, in New York City, and though I ended up having to miss the actual day, I did luck out and attend the pre-con dinner. Today's podcast…
Well, I've finally set it all up. Check it out! If you want to meet an agent, look at this page. I've still more to do, but this'll get you started and you'll be able to ask the expert very…
Congrats! You’re expecting a baby! Start talking, baby!
Not the baby. I mean YOU.
These days we know it’s not so crazy as it sounds: that developing children's literacy skills actually begin during pregnancy. When mothers talk to their babies while they're…
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In today's episode you'll hear a question from Sarah South to which I answer with these resources to find a freelance illustrator:
art schools
freelancers union
Society of Illustrators
I am thrilled to have Jon…
I have a question for you...
I'm upgrading my newsletter email service and because it'll require people to do the hassle task of clicking through, I want to offer something amazing and/or exclusive. I'm thinking about doing a video only re-subscribers…
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This week is all about Pinterest for me, since I'm hosting the webinar on Thursday! I'm really excited and kind of nervous. There are 269 people signed up! I'm nervous because there is always the possibility…