Katie Davis

author, Entrepreneur, #1 Amazon Bestseller

I’m Katie. I’m a writer who also loves being an entrepreneur, and have been lucky enough to smush the two together. Don’t be misled. I may be a goofball, I may like to laugh so hard I’m in danger of bursting something, and I may like words like “smush,” but I’m also dead serious about business, and work, and helping other writers succeed.

Awards And Nominations

Sweet roll jelly beans croissant apple pie carrot cake lemon drops apple pie. Gingerbread jujubes candy canes. Sugar plum dragée topping gummies chocolate bar cheesecake cupcake. Marshmallow ice cream marzipan. Gummi bears oat cake sesame snaps apple pie brownie donut. Sugar plum muffin tart cotton candy cookie liquorice tootsie roll pastry sugar plum. Chupa chups oat cake wafer croissant sesame snaps.

  • 2017 – Best Romance Book – Capricorn

  • 2016 – Most Popular Author, Readers Choice

  • 2016, May – Best Selling Book – Gemini

  • 2016 – Best Adventure Book Nomination – Leo

Featured Books


Pie apple pie biscuit sweet roll chocolate bar jujubes chupa chups apple pie liquorice. Sugar plum powder.


Croissant apple pie cheesecake fruitcake chocolate chupa chups. Marshmallow sweet bonbon jujubes bear claw.


Sugar plum tiramisu cake cake sweet. Biscuit caramels chupa chups jelly donut cupcake cupcake bear claw croissant.


Cookie jelly sweet roll sugar plum halvah cotton candy croissant bonbon. Brownie sweet pudding.


Cake sesame snaps macaroon lemon drops cupcake tiramisu cupcake. Soufflé cake pie powder soufflé toffee.


Chocolate bar cake gingerbread tart jelly beans chocolate bar cupcake apple pie. Cake powder jelly-o apple pie jelly.


Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.

William Wordsworth
Guest Appearances
Presentations All Around The Globe

Jelly-o sweet roll marzipan danish carrot cake. Carrot cake soufflé topping. Apple pie pastry icing macaroon tiramisu. Marzipan gummies chocolate cake bonbon ice cream donut tootsie roll.

  • Festival of Magic And Fantasy

  • London Summer Reading Camp

  • Honorary Guest of National Library

  • Grand Bookstore Opening

Funny Bio

Parsons, Pratt, Rhode Island School of Design.

I’ve walked by all these schools of fine art. I have attended none of them. I’ve always been creative but never thought I could earn my living as an artist. I could write though, so after graduating from college I went into PR and advertising. After getting fired six or seven times, I figured I should work for myself. Besides, I hated wearing panty hose. As an author/illustrator I’ve had a stack of picture books published, a middle grade novel, The Curse of Addy McMahon and a young adult novel, Dancing With the Devil.

Random things i love:

– being transparent

– my family

– feeding peoples’ parking meters

– video creation and marketing for writers

– time travel (It just kills me that I can’t do it. Except in books. So at least there’s that.)

– over-delivering

– supporting other writers in their efforts to be successful

– taking naps (Actually, it’s the hours after the nap I love. I keep thinking, “Wow, that nap was awesome. I loved that nap.”)

– teaching writers to write through ICL and IFW and how to be successful “authorpreneurs.”

– Ollie, the cutest dog in the world (I’m so sorry if you were under the impression that your dog is the cutest dog in the world.)

Serious Bio

Katie Davis is the author/illustrator of over a dozen traditionally published books for children (picture books, middle grade, and young adult novels). She self-published How to Write a Children’s Book and How to Promote Your Children’s Book, both debuting at #1 on Amazon. All told, they’ve sold over 820,400 copies worldwide.

Because Katie’s secret superpower is her ability to teach writers about writing, tech, and marketing, she created digital courses and products for writers such as How to Create Your Author Platform (and Market Your Books without Being Pushy), Video Idiot Boot Camp, and Launch Your Book Blueprint. She also co-founded Picture Book Summit, the largest and first live online conference of its kind.

Katie’s first podcast Brain Burps About Books was an interview show and began in 2010. Her second is Writing for Children, full of bite-sized, craft oriented lessons. As a regular guest on WTNH, Katie recommended children’s books for four years, and has appeared on the TEDx stage.

She has been honored to speak everywhere from a maximum security prison, to elementary schools, to university level, including UCONN and Yale, and has keynoted conferences and fundraising galas.

Using her now not-so-secret superpower allowed Katie and her husband, Jerry Davis, to take over the almost 50-year-old Institute of Children’s Literature and its sister school, the Institute for Writers, where, as of this writing, over 470,027 people have taken college level writing courses and learned to write for both children and adults.

Bio That Includes Family Stuff

I was born in New York City, grew up and went to the American College of Paris and graduated with a Bachelor of Science from Boston University. I got married and had two incredibly cute and talented children.

We have a dog named Ollie, whom, coincidentally, is also incredibly cute and talented.

I love to go camping but never do, love to play tennis, which I occasionally do, and love to eat Hot Tamales candy, which I quit doing because I did it too often.

Fake Bio

The title above says it’s the fake bio but that is fake. This is the real bio. I am actually a spy and I can karate chop bad guys and make contraptions better than MacGyver that seem like they’re blowing up but they never hurt anyone yet serve to distract the bad guys so all the good guys can run away fast. I can fly and I can eat candy for breakfast and a lot of cake for lunch every day and French fries for dessert yet stay fit and fabulous plus I only need four hours of sleep per night. Heck, make it two hours per night. I’ll get more done that way.

Bullet Bio

  • Graduated from Boston University after studying photo-journalism because I knew I could write and thought there would be less homework (I was wrong about the homework).
  • Got 9-5 jobs in advertising and marketing. My dad gave me the entrepreneur gene––turns out 9-5 … bad fit for me.
  • In my twenties, started my own business called Dirty Dishes, creating, marketing, and selling hand-painted ceramics nationwide. Macy’s Herald Square store gave me gigantic order. After filling it, I expanded too fast.
  • I stopped doing Dirty Dishes. I started licensing my designs. They’re big, especially in Japan, and particularly one called Scared Guy.
  • Harcourt, Inc. and Simon & Schuster published my first eight picture books.
  • I published one novel each with Greenwillow, (HarperCollins) and Diversion Books, and self-published a picture book and two marketing books, one of which launched at #1 on Amazon.
  • 85,000 copies of my book, Kindergarten Rocks! were given to every preschool child by the state of Georgia’s education department.
  • In total, over 820,400 copies of my books have been sold.
  • I won a Trailee Award for best book trailer.
  • Yikes! Over 20 years of experience in fewer than 10 bullets!

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Sonja Gibbs, committee member
American Association of University Women Fundraiser luncheon

“Good morning. I am writing to say thank you for coming to our AAUW luncheon and for sharing your writing adventures. You … had everyone’s undivided attention. Afterwards I heard wonderful comments on how engaging your talk was and how you tied in the AAUW theme Breaking Barriers. Your mention of meeting a scholarship winner was great. Good luck.”

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Alison M. Myers, Program Consultant, Highlights Foundation

Highlights Foundation

“Successful authors know that it takes more than a good book to grab an audience. In today’s social media arena, authors and illustrators have to create a buzz for their books and a name for themselves. In a recent workshop at The Highlights Foundation, Author Katie Davis taught us how to do just that.

Katie’s appearance was for Life in the Spotlight with Peter Jacobi. This workshop was designed to offer both published and beginning writers useful tips and strategies for promoting themselves and their books. Katie connected with the group on a very difficult subject: using Twitter and all kinds of social media for self-promotion. Her presentation was engaging, fast-paced, and full of humor and encouragement.

Carol P. Saucier, an attendee, summed up Katie’s presentation well, “She made a complex subject easy to understand. Useful information and she is fun, too!” Katie’s knowledge of social marketing and branding is astounding and, as Carol mentioned, her enthuses for the topic made learning fun. We look forward to having Katie on our faculty again and again.”

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Carolyn Dugan
Co-chair -AAUW Book Author Luncheon

“Each year the AAUW has a book author luncheon and the proceeds from the luncheon fund a scholarship for a young woman.
This year our luncheon was held on November 5,2011 at the Clinton Country Club. We had three authors speaking: Diane Smith, Carlos Eire and author Katie Davis. All of the authors were fabulous.
Katie spoke last and produced a video presentation which was superb! She was so enthusiastic and displayed a great sense of humor during the presentation. A quiet room turned into a lot of laughter.
I would highly recommend Katie for future speaking engagements.”

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Denise Abercrombie, English teacher, E.O. Smith High School in Mansfield, CT.

“Author Katie Davis was an outstanding keynote speaker at this year’s Connecticut Writing Project’s Annual Student Writers Award Ceremony. She demystified the notion of “writer as genius” through engaging personal anecdotes, as well as projected artwork, photographs, and film. She also systematically debunked common myths associated with the writing life. The young writers present not only received kudos and awards, they were encouraged by a wonderful writer and human being to keep at it (even when there are no awards). Katie Davis’s warm, self-deprecating sense of humor invited students to engage in writing as play…at any age. Thanks Katie Davis and CWP for a truly inspiring evening celebrating student writers!”

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Terera Gastone, attendee
NAEYC National Conference, with Hope Vestergaard

“Katie, it was wonderful to hear you and Hope at the NAEYC 2011 Conference. I can’t believe how behind I actually am concerning technology. My first successful us of a QR Code is here on this site! And I love the idea of book trailers… BTW my next comment stop will be on Little Chicken’s Big Day book trailer. I can’t believe there isn’t already one comment there.

Thanks again for allowing me to continue learning and loving while I do it.”

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Sarah Albee, attendee
New England Society of Children’s Book Writer’s and Illustrators Conference

“Hi Katie–thanks for the hugely helpful workshop today. You did a great job explaining a lot of information to a group of people at very different levels of tech-saviness!”