Here is Where Positive Thinking Has Taken Me!

I was getting ready for BEA. “Ooh,” I say to myself, “There is an app by available for conference goers” It was a very cool app that tells you who is signing where, when, and at what booth. Of course, I download it. “How cool is that,” I think. Plus, it says, download the app, and you can come into the booth at the Javits and register to win an iPad, an item I have been drooling over since January or whenever we heard the first squeeks over it (know where this is going?) I think, “I’m going to win that iPad.” No doubt. Didn’t even question it. No hesitation. I just knew it. I put a reminder in my iCal so I wouldn’t forget once I got to BEA.

I went straight to the booth, and put my biz card in the giant fishbowl with all the other hundreds they’d collected already. “Can’t wait to win that iPad,” I thought. I told the guy the one suggestion I had to make the app even better and left, thinking, “I’m going to win that iPad.” Didn’t use any exclamation points in my mind-thought because I just making a statement of fact.

Thing is, I didn’t think all this at the time. I just thought it, like I’d think “I need a bite to eat,” or something else that is just what it is.

Today, I got a phone call. “Hello?” says I.

“May I speak to Katie Davis?”

“This is she,” I answer.

“sozxdlfifnwaoni” (He didn’t really say this, but all he said up to the next line is a blurry blank). All I heard was…


I was screaming so loudly, the poor guy probably can’t hear his kids say goodnight to him tonight. I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face for 48 minutes straight.

Now, I think I must’ve also won to kick my rear in gear and get going on doing some of my books digitally! That message from the universe thing, right? And guess who makes a lovely app, as far as I know? Yep, – the people who are giving me an iPad! Hmmm…think I should talk to them…? YES!

My brother said, after I told him this story, “I’m going to start doing this positive thinking, too! I’m thinking right now that my sister is going to give me an iPad!”

Poor deluded fool.

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