Book Review: Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life

I haven’t done many (any?) reviews here. But summer is my biggest reading time, and I’ve dug into some really great books. This one, by Wendy Mass (full disclosure: we are friends. But if I didn’t like it I’d do like I was taught in kindergarten and not say anything at all). So here goes. My first review practically ever. I’m going to write it as though you know what I’m talking about, though without any spoilers.
LOVED the book. I was very sad to finish it. Loved the rocks. Loved the letter from Dad. LOVED the friendship – lines like when Jeremy let Lizzy run on the beach and win, “because that’s what best friends do” made me tear up.
I BURST out laughing at:
“…I won the sixth grade spelling bee by correclty spelling the word ‘neurotic’.”
“I’ll space it out…over the course of a whole day.” (my kind of candy eating)
-the oatmeal that he barfed out looked exactly the same in the toilet as it did before he ate it.
-The tattoo reveal
-all food tastes better on a stick (a phrase I’ve uttered many a time)
I totally teared up on p 266 when he finally tells Lizzy “btw, you have egg salad in your teeth” because she’s just done something for him that he really appreciates.
Go read this book.

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