Today, May 2 is the last Google Hangout I’m doing on this for bit. We’ll be covering social media hacks: Secrets you never knew you never knew! It’s at 11am ET Click this link (or you could watch here but you won’t be able to ask questions).
The response to my free training has been amazing & I wanted to say thank you for sending me all your comments and feedback. And frankly, I have kind of a shameless plug to give you…
Two reasons to sign up for my course, which is here.
Last December I started creating this course for writers called How to Create Your Author Platform (and Market Your Books without Being Pushy).
But I didn’t just want to sell you stuff. That’s why I made part of it free.
I wanted to make sure that if someone couldn’t buy my paid course, How to Create Your Author Platform (and Market Your Books without Being Pushy) they would still get a lot of value and learning from me. I want you to succeed, to move forward in your platform building efforts.
I packed a lot into that free training, but there’s about a bazillion times more in the paid course – obviously, I wouldn’t charge you for it if I didn’t give you a bazillion times more!
Now, if your budget is such that you couldn’t pay your mortgage or a trip to the doctor if you got the course, obviously, the time isn’t right for you.
But if it’s not that dire, and you haven’t invested in your career yet, when will you?
But if you’ve been thinking oh, I don’t want to pay that for some other reason, it could just be fear. It’s scary to succeed sometimes. And it does take some effort. But I’ll be there for you, both in the course, virtually holding your hand step by step, and in the private Facebook group––we’re already in there, the new students and I.
Life gets busy. Start now.
It’s time to start your book marketing. It’s time to get some traction and really dive in and get started. With this program. And btw, this is not just for new writers who are looking to establish their author platform. If you have a backlisted book, this is chockfull of actionable tips and steps for you to use too.
And in this exclusive VIP launch, I’m including 4 bonus implementation sessions for anyone who gets it by tomorrow.
The second reason is that there is a no-risk money back guarantee.
It’s definitely a commitment, and investment, and I think it’s sometimes what people need. I’ve been doing this long enough that if you don’t have a plan, you probably won’t reach your outcome.
I’m super excited to help you. Go here to get it: