Podcast episode #149

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In this episode

Celebri-dot Authors

Kristi Valiant
Sharon Creech
Matthew Cordell
David Smith
Aaron Becker
Jessica Young
Lori Degman
Russ Cox
Margo Sorenson
Bonny Becker
Kristin O’Donnell Tubb
The Little Crooked Cottage
Melissa Guion
Nicole Walters
Lynn Plourde
Bethanie Murguia

 First Pages segment info

First pages is completely anonymous! Submit and listen as the first pages or query letters are read and then critiqued to be improved in order to make the best possible impression when submitting.
Emma Dryden will be doing novels, both YA and middle grade. Emma Walton Hamilton will be doing queries, and Rachelle Burk, picture books.
All First Pages will be critiqued anonymously. Submit them as follows:

  • ONLY submit the first pages
  • submit each category as separate documents, though more than one may be submitted at the same time
  • submit to su*****@ka********.com as attachments.
  • Formatted correctly as for submission to a publisher for example, click here.
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  1. Open the show’s page in iTunes store here.
  2. Click on VIEW IN iTUNES button under the logo (cow).
  3. You will see the list of episodes. Scroll past them to “Customer Reviews” and “Write a Review” is right under that.
  4. Give it as many stars as you think it deserves!
Twitter for Beginners

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1 Comment

  • Melissa Guion
    Posted September 16, 2013 12:13 pm 0Likes

    Thanks, this was a great episode. It’s nice to hear Terry’s actual, human voice!

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