Podcast #153

Today’s episode is brought to you by a very special offer made only to my podcast fans, and it’s a limited deal. You can get it by going here.

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  • Would you like to get FREE advice on marketing your books and yourself as a writer? Would you like to leave feedback for the show? Click here to record your questions or feedback for the podcast. Only first names are used in the show unless you say it in your message. Your email is automatically logged when you leave your comment or question, so I’ll be able to notify you when you’re included in the episode.
  • What if you could ask your favorite picture book authors one question? What would it be? Here’s your chance!  November is Picture Book Month. I’ll be interviewing Tomie DePaola, Julie Danielson of Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast, and I’m hoping, Carmen Agra Deedy and Mercer Meyer. If you have questions for any of these amazing people, please leave them by clicking here. You can do it anonymously if you like. Thanks!
In This Week’s Episode You’ll Hear About
    • The new Brain Burps About Books podcast logo
    • My new YouTube channel trailer here
    • A picture book debut called Hank Finds an Egg by Rebecca Dudley in a review by Julie Falatko
    • The scary Halloweeny theme song Tim McCanna created for me (and his TeenyTinyTrucks.com)!
    • A Shiver of Sharks and A Troop is a Group of Monkeys by Julie Hedlund
    • An interview with CJ Alvarado the CEO of an exciting new publishing platform that allows writers to connect with readers called TheSnippetApp
    • Every Wednesday, The Snippet App hosts a Google+ Hangout. This week, they’ve asked me to be their guest writer and share my experience with creating a book using TheSnippetApp. I would love for you to join us at 3pm ET Wednesday, October 9th! Never done a Google+ Hangout? No worries! Here’s a link all about how to do hangouts. You can add me to your circle here. If you don’t have Google+, why not? All you need is a gmail account.
    • If you want to know when my new eBook – actually – Snippet, is published, get on my mailing list by clicking here and entering your email. My Snippet is called Vidiot No More: Marketing Your Book Through Video and will be under $5.00. Like all Snippets, it’ll have video in it, you can tweet me from within the book, and well, why wouldn’t you want it?!

I like to be completely transparent. When I recommend things, I only do so when I believe in a product or service I know for sure is good. Otherwise, how will anyone believe me next time? So, in that vein, there are links in this book that are affiliated. That means if you click on them and decide to buy what you click through to, I receive a referral fee. What it does not mean is that you pay any more for that item than if you found it through a Google search. It’s like a tip to a waitress who serves you well. You’re not paying extra for the food, but you appreciate the service.


  • E.S. Ivy
    Posted November 8, 2013 1:42 pm 0Likes

    Hi! I’m watching your podcast for the first time, starting with this episode. I wanted to see the video of CJ showing Snippets but I can’t find it – I even went over to your Youtube channel and looked. Is it up?

    • Katie
      Posted November 9, 2013 8:41 pm 0Likes

      Hi ES! Thanks for listening. To tell you the truth, I can’t remember right now. I think that may have been the episode that the video got messed up. I always put it up right at the time so I am betting that is what happened. I’m sorry – I will tell you though that the Snippet platform is VERY easy to use. I created a Snippet book and it was super easy.

  • Taurean Watkins
    Posted November 8, 2013 3:30 pm 0Likes

    Didn’t get the chance to comment right when I first heard it, but great episode once again, Katie, and right after I first heard it over a month ago, I went right to “The Snippet App” website and made a request to join in the beta, and earlier this week (Shortly after first listening to episode #156 with Tomie dePaola) got an e-mail that I got in the beta for The Snippet App!
    Katie may be the first children’s writer on board with Snippet, but I’m going to be in the top 5, or at least the first hundred, depending how many other children’s writers got into the beta before me (LOL!)
    I’m working on my Snippet now, which is a story I’ve worked on for years when I took breaks from my debut middle grade novel “GABRIEL” while it was in process, and I know it works, but it was too short to be a standard novel, but too long to be early reader or chapter book (And too complex for the early reader format) so Snippet looked the perfect medium for it in terms of length.
    I’d LOVE it to be a graphic novel, but since I don’t illustrate, I’ll have to wait until I’ve got the platform and some percentage of the funding before trying to do a Kickstarter.
    For now, Snippet’s the best avenue, and this is a great way to have something out there before my novel comes out to get readers hooked, and I mean that in a non-egomaniac way, of course.
    As always, take care.
    Taurean J. Watkins (Taury)

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