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In this episode you’ll hear

    • a review from a World of Julie: Another Brother by Matthew Cordell
    • a Take5 Marketing Tip from Dianne de Las Casas: Gratitude

and in the interview with Robyn Bradley, you’ll hear about

      • the hyperarts template
      • what I ended up doing for my profile image
      • how to use the questions to engage your audience
      • Why LIKE a big corporation?
      • Facebook advertising: how to do it right.
      • how you should follow Hubspot
      • making your timeline fun for your followers
      • the stupid code Sheri Gaynor and I came up with –  that ended up in my timeline

My Page, using the Hyperarts template:
Facebook Profile Image 1
then I simplified it:
Facebook Profile Image 2
And my PAGE:
Facebook Fan Page
Robyn loves hearing from readers and fellow writers. Email her at ro***@ro**********.com and/or connect with me on Facebook and Twitter. Oh, and be sure to sign up for her short story alert newsletter.
Here are some of her Kindle books, most available for only $0.99!


  • Tom Treanor
    Posted May 30, 2012 12:13 pm 0Likes

    Thanks for the great Facebook podcast and tutorial. I’m looking forward to your presentations at Blog World on podcasting (listening virtually).

    • katie
      Posted May 31, 2012 7:21 am 0Likes

      Thanks, Tom! I wish you were going to be there in person. I’m excited and a little nervous – this is my first non-literacy or writing conference I’ve spoken at. Woke at 4am with thoughts swirling!

  • Darshana
    Posted July 5, 2012 2:21 am 0Likes

    Hi Katie,
    Just wanted to say a BIG thank you to you and Robyn Bradley.Recently I got a $50 credit from FB Advertising. I listened to the advice you both gave on episode #98 and implemented some of the tactics. I did a 1-month campaign for $50. It has been 2 weeks, and so far I have tripled the number of “Likes” from 100 to over 300! I started off with just 3 ads and am up to 7 now. I run a blog focusing on reviews of kids books. Interestingly enough over 75% of my likes are coming from outside the US&UK. I am not sure why I am getting such a good click rate from other countries. I did target India, Pakistan, Italy, Korea, just for kicks. I noticed that the ads for these countries had a lower CPM rate. I am guessing there is less advertising competition over there, the number of times a viewer sees an ad does make a difference I think. What I have noticed is that while I am getting a lot of page likes, not that many are clicking
    through to my actual blog. I guess time will tell how valuable the “likes” I received through the Ad campaign. Just thought I would share my experience so far. Two more weeks to go.
    Thanks Again,

    • katie
      Posted July 5, 2012 8:13 am 0Likes

      Thank you, Darshana! I’m a little embarrassed to ask this of you but since you were SO helped, I wonder if you could post this (yes, again!) as an iTunes review? All you’d have to do is copy and paste…and it would be a huge help to the show. If you can, thank you so much! And definitely keep me posted on the end results!
      To Review the Show on iTunes:
      1. Open the show’s page in iTunes store here.
      2. Click on VIEW IN iTUNES button under the logo (cow).
      3. You will see the list of episodes. Scroll past them to “Customer Reviews” and “Write a Review” is right under that.

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