I’m trying to figure out a regular schedule for all the social media stuff we authors like to keep up with…or need to keep up with? I have somehow – don’t ask me how – started enjoying tweeting. I don’t like to tweet about things that are personal so much, but related to books, I’m on it. But I haven’t quite gotten it down, I don’t think, since I don’t get retweeted too much. Apparently that is the gold standard for whether you’re tweeting “important” enough stuff. Oh well.

I’m finding my radio show takes quite a bit of time, but I LOVE doing it, so that is fine with me. And now Keith Schoch will be coming on the show on a regular basis in order to talk about how to extend books in the classroom – specifically the books I’ll be talking about with the guest authors/editors/etc. I must thank Jen Schneider for interviewing him on her show – I heard him there and was so impressed I approached him about doing a regular gig on my show.

My next show (May 24) will be with Peter Reynolds, and I’ll have Daryl Grabarek from Curriculum Connections to do that too – talk about extending books in school. I can’t wait to hear what these two committed educators have to say!

Still thinking about doing some kind of video interviews from the BEA floor – trying to figure that one out. Suggestions????


  • Peni R. Griffin
    Posted May 18, 2010 7:26 am 0Likes

    Well – you could do "vox pops" on various announcements, sessions, or new books.

    Proper interviews need set-up and topics and things, but you know what everybody at the booths at BEA is primed to do? Push books. If you went around asking for, say, pitches on "your three favorites this season," with a promise to air it on the radio, you'd probably get takers, but you'd also probably get more material than you need. Maybe "I'm going to film x number of pitches from various houses, and the authors of the three I like the sound of best will be invited to the show. The videos, with permission, will all be broadcast through my social media."

  • Katie Davis
    Posted May 18, 2010 7:32 am 0Likes

    Oooh! I like this idea, Peni! Thank you! So you're suggesting I contact the publishers now to make appointments?

    I will also be walking the floor one day with a teen reviewer who is VERY impressive and well read – do you know The Page Flipper? I was thinking of interviewing her too.

    Can you tell I just got my belated bday gift – a very inexpensive but high def pocket camcorder? The external mic is bigger than the camcorder, which is the size of an iPhone!

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