Huge Deal for Serious Writers at Children's Book Insider

My friend Jon Bard at Children’s Book Insider just told me about this thing he’s doing and I wanted to let you guys know about this in case you’re interested … and if you’re working on your craft, you should be interested!

I’ll get right to the point, because this is massive:
Over at CBI they’re planning some remarkable things for their merry band of children’s writers in the months ahead and they want as many folks as possible to join in the journey.
Specifically, Jon said he’s looking to add 200 new Fightin’ Bookworms (that what we call their paid Children’s Book Insider members) in the next 48 hours.
To make that happen, he put together a special bonus package filled with AMAZING goodies. (I’m talking complete courses, world exclusive videos, killer eBooks and much, much more.)
And, oh yeah, he knocked the regular price down by 10 bucks, too.
I can’t possibly do justice to this ridiculously awesome package in an email, so here’s a link to Jon’s quick video:

This offer will go away very soon, so don’t wait. And I seriously doubt he will ever offer anything quite like it again.
Take a minute and watch the video, and take this opportunity to become one of the lucky 200!

I like to be completely transparent. When I recommend things, I only do so when I believe in a product or service I know for sure is good. Otherwise, how will anyone believe me next time? So, in that vein, there are links in this book that are affiliated. That means if you click on them and decide to buy what you click through to, I receive a referral fee. What it does not mean is that you pay any more for that item than if you found it through a Google search. It’s like a tip to a waitress who serves you well. You’re not paying extra for the food, but you appreciate the service.

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