These were written during and after Hurricane Irene. The videos were taken during and after as well.
Good morning #Irene. Yes, I hear you. You’re hurting the trees. They’ve wept their leaves onto the ground, leaving a carpet of tears.
#Irene rang the bell. The trees hollered, “Put up your dukes!” and proceeded to slap at each other like inexperienced fighters.
As the epic battle between #Irene and the world swirls, a squirrel hops across the leaf-strewn lawn, thinking, “What am I, nuts?”
The wind, feeling left out of the #Irene poems, roared even louder, scaring the writer, forcing her in off the screened porch.
The beech tree, having struggled for life lo these many years, tossed her leaves like confetti, flaunting her joie de vivre. #irenepoem
“This tree wants in!” the knocking on the side of the house seemed to say. “I’m not built for this kind of weather!” #irenepoem
Standing in the parking lot near the beach, the woman worried about her thighs. Worried the flood waters wouldn’t go past them as she slogged through to her neighbor’s.
Mother Nature, you are a toddler in a Lego town, howling and razing homes and fraying nerves. Now, with a fresh day, you apologize with a day so sweet the air smells like cotton candy.

1 Comment

  • Elizabeth Dulemba
    Posted August 29, 2011 1:38 pm 0Likes


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