I frequently work too hard. (Okay, often. FINE. Usually.) Too hard for whom, though? Not for me. I like what I do. I love what I do. I love the excitement of jumping from podcast, to blog, to book writing, to book illustrating, to presentation prep, etc, etc. My family isn’t so keen on it though, and this has been quite the summer of work. Even a little too much for me.
So I am going to let the juices simmer a bit in the next few weeks, the last of the summer. I’m going to try to just dabble. I will keep up with my podcasts, I have my webinar this Wednesday, and blog post here and there, but I am taking the pressure off and am planning (notice the out I just took with “planning”?) to more or less relax. And hopefully let the creative juices cook a bit.
So that’s where I’ll be if you’re wondering. Actually, here is where I’ll be:

1 Comment

  • Elizabeth Dulemba
    Posted August 13, 2011 10:34 am 0Likes

    Enjoy your down time! 🙂

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