When Linda Sue Park won the Newbery for A Single Shard she received the medal, as medalists do, at the annual ALA (American Library Association) conference. Her acceptance speech was so moving that many in the audience ended up sniffling. It was Father’s Day, and she gave her medal to her father as a Father’s Day gift and a thank you; it was a beautiful gesture and remarkable speech. 

But the other moment that has stuck with me all these years––especially when I’m coaching new writers––is her talking about what she did before she had ever written a word. She had heard that every writer should read 1,000 books to learn how to write. You read to absorb all that great writing. So, she started to read. As I recall, one day when she was a young mother, her children came home from school hollering out their hellos as she sat on her sofa reading one of her 1,000 books. As the kids came into the room, wrangling for attention, she held up her hand in the international recognized stop sign gesture and said to them, “I’m working. I’ll talk to you after.”

I love the fact that Linda Sue said, “I’m working.” Not, “I’m reading,” because it was important enough to her to say she was working because reading is a writer’s work.  

So my first two tips to you are: 

A) Read as much as you can, especially in the genre in which you want to write. 

B) Your work is important. Reading is your work. Writing is your work. 

Today’s assignment: write a scene where you’re at a cocktail party. Someone asks you about yourself. Considering my second tip above, what do you say? Remember to describe the room, the party, what people are wearing…anything that allows us to see you there. Use all your senses.




  • Anne Goresht
    Posted February 16, 2021 6:14 pm 0Likes

    My picture book is swirling around in my head.
    The focus of the book keeps changing——then I go back to my original Theme.
    I am frightened. I am not sure of what.

    • Katie Davis
      Posted February 16, 2021 8:16 pm 0Likes

      Anne, write ONE version down. Just write it! Don’t get distracted by your other visions. Then put it away and write the next one. As for your fear: many people are afraid because once you write it, then what? Many people feel like what I you submit it and it’s rejected? But if you don’t submit it, it can never be accepted either. If you don’t submit, it can’t get published and get any bad reviews. People get stuck there. It also can’t get rave reviews and lots of sales. You’re not the only one who feels this way, so you’re not alone!

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