Video Writing Prompt | The Pirates Have Landed

Welcome to my new Monday feature, Video Writing Prompt! Every week I plan to bring you a new video as a springboard for a writing prompt. Whether I make it myself, or find an interesting news clip, or book trailer, or funny video from YouTube, there will be a video of some kind prompting you to stretch your imagination and writing chops. Have fun with it!
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Here is the prompt:
The pirates have landed. They’ve taken something unexpected. What did they take?
Here are some additional questions to consider:

  • What did they take?
  • Why did they take it?
  • What was so unexpected about what they took?
  • Did you put up a fight?
  • Were you with the pirates or against them?
  • Did they land on your boat?
  • Did they hide in that cave first?
  • Why am I so serious in this video? 😎

For more videos to help you with your writing go to and hit subscribe. Thanks!
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