Brain Burps About Books Podcast #178

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In this week’s episode you’ll hear

Five, Six, Seven, Nate by Tim Federle

Where to come see me
  • BEA: Booth 2728 on Saturday May 31 at 1:30 pm


In the interview with the Teen Reads panel, you’ll hear


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Thank you to the MFA program at Hamline for sponsoring the podcast. Hamline is the only university in the U.S. with three fine arts programs in creative writing: BFA, MFA (writing for adults), and MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults. Click here to check it out!
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1 Comment

  • Taurean Watkins
    Posted May 16, 2014 9:45 pm 0Likes

    Another great episode this week (But oy, your cliffhangers are both frustrating and timing genius! Some of us have to really WORK at both comic timing and cliffhangers)
    I can so relate to that letter from the woman who went to a SCBWI event. As someone who's yet to attend a conference (solely due to lack funds/means of transport) it reminds me why they're worth the wait. I also can relate to not having been read to as a child, and while I'd always had interest in writing, I didn't learn to love reading as I do now until I was a teenager.
    It's also why I love audiobooks (having not been read to) and they really helped me during a rough time three years ago when I could not read fiction on the page without having a crippling inferiority complex!
    I still struggle to do the "Read like a Writer" thing, and sometimes I just have read for me, without expecting to learn anything, but I try to learn from what I read, too.
    In the meantime, thanks for doing the webinars (like the one you mentioned in this episode) that give people in my position a taste of that transcendence a fab workshop or an in-person conference can give to those who can afford/attend them. I've already signed up for the Kindle webinar next week.
    After experimenting with Snippet, I know eventually I'll be doing something for Kindle, and I need all the help I can get.
    While overall I agree hybrid authors can have the best of both worlds, it can be hard for those of us who are working with tight budgets and limited resources to get started, and so many things I read on the subject of indie publishing stresses having a team, and so often the things I can't do myself require the most financial investment.
    (Like hiring a freelance editor)
    I feel it's important to explain/respect the difference between "Can't" and "Won't" when writers talk about investing in things to better either one's craft or career. Or both!
    That's not criticizing any given editor for being unreasonable in what they charge. It's simply a matter of it being out of some writers reach, and with backlist becoming a bigger deal in fiction especially, we need ways to balance output with quality material.
    I'm grateful that "Video Idiot Boot Camp" was within my reach when it launched this time last year (Again, happy 1st Anniversary!) since it's helped me be creative and build platform in a non-jerky way, and also is a great resource to remind us non-illustrators that WE TOO CAN BE VISUAL!
    I hope the Kindle webinar will address the financing issues (with indie publishing) and offer strategies to overcome.
    Thanks for sharing another great panel this week. (I love author panels!)
    Take care,
    Taurean J. Watkins (Taury)

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