New format starting this week! 30 minutes divided into two parts: First, a themed talk, then Q&A (Please keep the questions to the theme). This week’s theme: how to make a splash at an event when there is so much competing “noise.” What am I doing at #TLA14 next week to get librarians to notice my debut YA Dancing With the Devil when up against the giants of the genre? Bring your questions. Bring a snack.
It’s a 30 minute themed Q&A with children’s author Katie Davis. She’s a video marketing maven who will talk on a theme and answer your marketing questions on that theme. It’s all about being an author, building a platform, and marketing using The Katie System!
You can watch live and ask questions here on the event page.
The Brain Burps About Books Lunch ‘n Learn #11 with Author Katie Davis replay will only be up a week on my YouTube channel.
You can watch it on YouTube here.
You can watch it right here starting at noon, ET.