Welcome to the Brain Burps About Books Lunch ‘n Learn #3.
I’m doing this every Wednesday at noon (so the podcast is now publishing on Fridays as of last week).
You can see it live here starting at noon, or on Google+.

Welcome to the Brain Burps About Books Lunch ‘n Learn #3.
I’m doing this every Wednesday at noon (so the podcast is now publishing on Fridays as of last week).
You can see it live here starting at noon, or on Google+.
Melissa Barnard
whats the best web hosting for the money
I like Hostgator! That’s who I use. This is an affiliate link (you don’t pay more, but I receive a referral fee – you don’t have to use it, but it helps subsidize all the free advice I give): http://wponlinedesign.site/katiedavis/hostgator
Belinda Michelson Brock
thanks, patricia!
As an artist, just beginning to write picture books, I work with “hands-on media”- for illustrating picture books, is this still ok, or is it necessary to illustrate using digital media. Also, as an illustrator/artist how does one “hook up” with a writer to illustrate their book, or is it better to write and illustrate my own?
Melissa Barnard
Taurean Watkins
Hi Katie, thanks for answering my question via this week’s “Lunch ‘n Learn.” (2.5.14)
However, I was asking a different question than you thought. I did quick video to (Those character limits in the G+ hangout are hard on detail freaks like me-
Forgive the weird transitions, but my speech slurred in parts and spliced together the most coherent parts.
Plus, this is just further practice recording myself, so hope I’m more clear this time.
Take care,
Taurean J. Watkins (Taury)
P.S: Glad to be part of your your newest launch team for “How to Promote your Children’s Book” Edition 2!