Brain Burps About Books Podcast #209
Holiday Replay: How Do You Win an Award, Find a Literary Agent, and Get a Book Published?
[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”How Do You Win an Award, Find a Literary Agent, and Get a Book Published? Get Rejected First” artist=”Debbie Ohi” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” ]
- It’s coming! I’m working on my New Year’s Gift for you! (Hint: I’m planning on helping you have a productive year.) Sign up here so you’ll get it as soon as it’s available:
- What have you learned this year and benefited from? Was there anything on the podcast, or in a course or an email that you’ve been able to use? I would love to hear about what you learned and how you benefited! Doing this research will help me plan how to help more writers in the coming year. Please shoot me an email at su*****@ka********.com and let me know.
This Week’s Guest is Illustrator Debbie Ridpath Ohi
Debbie and I talk about
- the process for a first time illustrator.
- us looking at stuff on the video (she made the image below while we watched!).
- the word my mom considered a curse word when I was little.
- art notes Debbie received.
- how she did wordless spreads.
Note to my podcast listeners
When I was listening to Fresh Air on NPR I thought, “Hey! I could do that, but with children’s publishing as my focus!” That’s how Brain Burps About Books got started. Writing is so solitary. I thought it would be a great way to get to talk to my friends and make new ones, plus I could help others learn. Maybe I’d learn some stuff myself, too. I’ve had the privilege of talking to the first three National Ambassadors for Young People’s Literature, to librarians and New York Time’s bestselling authors. I’ve interviewed to booksellers and publishers, writers, illustrators, app creators, and app distributors, and more! There is always something new on the horizon to learn and to share. So many listeners have asked how to support the show, and actually, now you can. I’ve installed a donate button to help defray the costs of producing the show. What do you learn or get out of Brain Burps every week? If it’s worth donating a dollar, two dollars, five, or whatever you think the show is worth to you, it would help enormously. The show costs $20 a month to keep on the server, and that’s only if there are four shorter episodes in a month. That number doesn’t include other costs like my time to research and record, post, edit the intros and outros, web hosting, and equipment and software to do all this. I ended up loving podcasting. I love my listeners. My “Burpers!” This is my gig, I know. and like I said, it’s an incredible experience for me. But if you’ve you’ve been helped, or just love it too, and you’re able, here’s your opportunity to help defray the costs. No matter what, thank you for being a Burper!
Sometimes I’ll tell you about something that has impressed the heck out of me. If you decide to purchase what I’ve recommended, you do not pay any more but I’ll get a referral fee. But I will only use a referral (or affiliate) link if it has earned my trust.