The video below is dead on! Not only that, but it’s one of the best book trailers ever, confirming my feeling that a trailer can be long if it’s spectacular.
Inspired by this video – and the fact that I hope the author will accept my invitation to come on the podcast, I’m having a #giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  • Ann Eienstein
    Posted March 29, 2012 7:36 am 0Likes

    WoW! That was…I wish I had a better word – AWESOME! As a writer and a psychologist – I can only agree with you – that is SPOT ON creaitve process and imagination! Gosh, I am trying to be more creative in my assessment – but colorful words escape me – (if only I had that fascinating illustrator to paint the picture of what is in my head). What an inspiring trailer – I must have that book – today! And yes! Please get that guy on a podcast! Thanks, Katie!

  • Kathy Rupff
    Posted March 29, 2012 8:46 am 0Likes

    Hi Katie, WOW! Awesome! I’m working on finishing a collage to enter in the National Collage Society Juried Show. When’s the deadline? Tomorrow! Then reading some books to prepare for a booksigning: Jerry and Eileen Spinelli will be at Booktenders’ Secret Garden with Ted and Betsy Lewin — 1:30 -3:30 Saturday March 31st.
    Booktenders’ Secret Garden Children’s Bookstore & Gallery
    42 E. State St. Rear (b/w E. State and E. Oakland in Plaza East) Doylestown,Pa 18901
    Am LOVING your podcasts. So enjoyable!!! Have listened to 27 so far… it’s truly an education in children’s literature. Can’t thank you enough!!!!

  • Dana Carey
    Posted March 29, 2012 8:51 am 0Likes

    Great video, Katie. And thanks for the giveaway.
    Answer to how I goose my imagination: different ways on different days… I don’t have a innovative idea here… just the usual… take a walk; drink coffee; sketch; sit down in my thinking chair, close my eyes and THINK but in a relaxed way, no pressure… museums…

  • Kirsten Larson
    Posted March 29, 2012 9:38 am 0Likes

    Annie Murphy Paul has been talking about this book a lot on “Brilliant: The New Science of Smart.” I have it high on my “to read” list. I’d never seen the trailer though, Katie. It’s brilliant. And if you can get him on your show, I will be overcome with gratitude.

  • Julie Rowan-Zoch
    Posted March 29, 2012 10:35 am 0Likes

    I always leave the ‘light’ on and let my thoughts rum amok with the freedom to evolve. I love my ideas unconditionally. I am my own loyal patriot! The more I let loose my goose loose, the more eggs she lays!

    • katie
      Posted March 29, 2012 10:42 am 0Likes

      So, Julie, are you telling us you down a bunch of Piña Coladas when you “rum” amok? Hahah – enjoyed that typo (not as much as I’d enjoy a Piña Colada!)

  • Darshana
    Posted March 29, 2012 10:46 am 0Likes

    Fantastic book trailer. Coincidence I just finished listening to his Fresh Air interview on NPR.
    Ohhh I do hope he comes on your podcast. Keeping my fingers crossed.
    To answer the question: I do my best thinking while taking a shower, a walk, or while driving to work in the morning.

    • Carter Higgins
      Posted March 29, 2012 11:35 am 0Likes

      Yes, Darshana! That NPR interview was awesome. One of those…I’m sitting in the car in front of my house til this is over moments.
      Thanks for this, Katie!

  • Eric Van Raepenbusch
    Posted March 29, 2012 11:03 am 0Likes

    This trailer was perfect. Inspiring! The fastest 3 minute trailer I have ever watched and will watch again.
    Good luck on getting Jonah on your podcast.

  • Kathy Rupff
    Posted March 29, 2012 11:16 am 0Likes

    Oops… Sorry, Katie. I thought you asked what creative thing we were doing TODAY, and got carried away! 🙂

  • Renee LaTulippe
    Posted March 29, 2012 11:23 am 0Likes

    Inspirational and comforting…to know that everyone smashes against the same brick wall, but ultimately (we hope) passes through it.
    What gets my goose cooking is art, preferably whimsical and with a story to tell. If it’s the right piece, I will immediately get an idea for a poem. I also like working off of one random word, for both PB stories and poems. It seems limiting, but is actually quite liberating. And showers for working out ideas that didn’t want to be worked out before.

  • Amy Dixon
    Posted March 29, 2012 12:09 pm 0Likes

    Wow, that was fascinating! Definitely on my list to read. Thanks!
    When I am trying to solve a specific problem in a manuscript, I find that getting away from it is the best thing I can do. I especially like going for a run, and have found that sometimes I can break through the wall that way. When I am having a hard time being creative in general, I find that I have to sit down and make myself write something. Anything. That usually works to “get my goose cooking!”

  • Deb Lund
    Posted March 29, 2012 12:31 pm 0Likes

    This trailer is a perfect summary of the book. IMAGINE is one of my current favorites. I hated to have it end. Soooo validating! It gives scientific information to back those things many of us have known and taught about creativity. I’ve been feeling like hugging the book to me wherever I go. I just haven’t been able to put it back on the shelf. And when I told my husband he would like it, he said he’d take it to Japan with him (mid-May to mid-June). I just stared at him, then said, “But it’s a hardcover…”
    If you liked Malcolm Gladwell’s books and you see this here on Katie’s site, then this is the book for you. Jonah’s right on.
    Happy reading and writing…
    Good luck, Katie! I’m sending good thoughts your way

  • Veronica Bartles
    Posted March 29, 2012 1:09 pm 0Likes

    That’s amazing! I love this description of how creativity works!! I can’t wait to read this book, and I hope the author comes on your podcast!!! 🙂

  • Julie Hedlund
    Posted March 30, 2012 9:45 pm 0Likes

    THANK YOU so much for sharing this! Due to serendipity, it turns out Jonah is speaking at the Boulder Bookstore next week. Want me to go and put in a word for the podcast? Because I seriously think I would wet myself if he came on the show. Wait — was that too much information????

  • Diane
    Posted April 3, 2012 11:39 am 0Likes

    Thanks so much for putting this up. It was so encouraging as I have been feeling pretty stuck lately. I’ve already put the book on my wish list and hope to get it soon.

  • Mike Rex
    Posted April 3, 2012 12:01 pm 0Likes

    That was an excellent video. In 2010 I did my master’s thesis on creativity, how it works and how it can be taught. There are some very clear guidelines and steps to the creative process, and when looking at in a clinical way, creativity doesn’t seem so magical. Yes, the “Ah-Ha!” moment can be quite magical, but the build up to it can be laid out in terms most can understand.

    • katie
      Posted April 3, 2012 12:09 pm 0Likes

      What amazes me is how universal the process is, whether scientific creativity or creative writing, or making music. Fascinating!

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