• Cynthia Barmish
    Posted May 8, 2013 12:10 pm 0Likes

    Hello Katie,
    I have been listening to your podcasts and I have written to you a while ago. I am so glad to see you on video selling video boot camp courses, and most of all, to get a dose of your contagious optimism and creativity.
    Since I last contacted you, I wrote two more workbooks for a major Quebec publisher. Didn’t get paid much but I am gaining speed and confidence in my ability to produce and create.
    I think we have much in common. I have BFA in Studio art, and I stayed at home with my kids, I got freelance jobs: worked on a software package for “the gap” in fashion , and designed beach towels for a while, then at around 40, I went to school to do an technical diploma in web design, learned html, java, flash etc. I couldn’t find a job , got interviewed by 20 something year olds who said I had a good portfolio yet would not give me a job.
    I went back to school again in for an education degree, in teaching English as a Second language. Now I am teaching part time, small classes at a language school, and writing. I feel that teaching makes me a better writer because it keeps me in touch with students.
    So I am inspired by your ability to take all your experience and put together , teaching, writing, marketing…. and produce this wonderful course that combines all your talents.
    After seeing your video, I realize that hearing and seeing you talk about your course is so much more compelling than having the course presented on a static page.
    I am considering teaching online and I want to teach English as a Second language through the arts, online using the books I published and other resources I have gathered. I plan to make a video to explain my concept of teaching English. I have made videos with my ESL teen group, so I can edit and write a script.
    I wish you success with your online course and perhaps I will ask for a consultation for marketing.
    Best wishes, Cynthia

    • Katie
      Posted May 8, 2013 12:42 pm 0Likes

      Thanks for the support, Cynthia! It IS discouraging to be turned down by someone half your age with a quarter of your experience! I do hope you take Video Idiot Boot Camp and use it to help you teach! And just let me know if you need a consult. I just updated my consulting page here: https://katiedavis.com/bookme

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