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In today’s episode you’ll hear a question from Sarah South to which I answer with these resources to find a freelance illustrator:

I am thrilled to have Jon Klassen, author and illustrator  of I Want My Hat Back on the show to talk about his upcoming This Is Not My Hat. And believe me when I tell you, you want this book. Actually, you want them both.

In the interview we talk about

  • writing messages in books
  • animals who eat other animals
  • people who do not like picture books about animals who eat other animals
  • how a book so simple can be so complicated to create
  • Little Joe’s Books – call ’em and order signed books! (914) 232-7278
  • how Jon is a terrible animator
  • how the eyes express SO much (do not miss the images below!)
  • his interview (and more art) on Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast
  • the uncanny valley (watch video below)
  • my son Benny’s movie I love so much (proud mom posts it below)






I love my title of this post. Jon Klassen: I Want My Hat Back but This Is Not My Hat cracks me up.

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  • muriel harris weinstein
    Posted September 27, 2012 7:56 pm 0Likes

    I LOVED Benny’s film. It was a delight & lots of fun. He did a great job. Please tell him that he has a FAN. Anything else he does to let me know. Want to see it & will get my writing buddies to see it.
    BRAVO !!!

  • Zach
    Posted October 1, 2012 9:28 pm 0Likes

    loved to hear about the process that jon klassen went through in writing his book. It will be interesting to see how many of my students get what happens in the book or not. P.s. I CAN’T WAIT TO HEAR YOUR INTERVIEW WITH TONY DITERLIZZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • katie
    Posted October 2, 2012 8:31 am 0Likes

    Thanks, Muriel! And Zach, I can’t wait to DO my interview with Tony! It’s for Picture Book Month!

  • Damon Dean
    Posted October 5, 2012 5:30 pm 0Likes

    my favorite interview in a while! Loved Jon’s description of the process, that was so helpful to me at my state in learning to write.
    Also, Benny’s video is amazing! Loved it, and gonna share it. Would love to use it in a presentation…(do I need permission?).
    The aliens were so real because of their human faults. I guess that’s another level of of stylization (pointed out in Uncanny Valley) that really added to the pleasure of the experience. I’ll be mindful of that point in my writing from now on.
    Thanks for all you do.
    Now, it’s time to go the bathroom sink to wash behind my ears.

    • katie
      Posted October 5, 2012 5:43 pm 0Likes

      I’m so glad! And thrilled you loved Benny’s video. I read the word “weaponry” in a novel the other night and heard it in the voice from the movie and cracked up! And it was NOT a funny scene I was reading. LOL.
      Yes, you absolutely would have to ask Benny for permission. Especially because I think he’d be thrilled. 😎

    • katie
      Posted October 9, 2012 8:20 pm 0Likes

      I LOVE hearing other artist’s processes!

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