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Tick tock! December 16 is the deadline to help Little Chicken’s Big Day win a 2011 SLJ Trailee Award! Click here to vote!

In my first international podcast interview, I talk to marketing guru (even though he says he’s not!) Simon Jordan, author of How to Skyrocket Your Business Without Burning Your Fingers and the eBook,  The #1 Secret to Growing Your Business. I met Simon on Twitter (want to follow his great tweets? Go here!)
In this episode you’ll hear:
A World of Julie review: Nothing Like a Puffin
Take5 Marketing Tip from Dianne de Las Casas: Conferences
In the interview you’ll hear Simon and me talking about:

  • the first rule of marketing
  • the reasons one writes a book
  • how authors can grow their business
  • what tools writers can use to expand their reach



  • Carey Drake
    Posted December 15, 2011 9:50 pm 0Likes

    You’re taking time off?! How could you do this to us?! Of course I’m kidding. Unplug and unwind for a while and know that we’ll be waiting for you with eager ears when you get back.
    By the way, I really enjoyed this week’s show. I can’t believe you were able to keep that interview with THE Simon Jordan under wraps since …Summer, did you say? Wow. But I’m glad you did. It was exactly what I was looking for today.
    I look forward to the next show, with a refreshed and renewed Katie!

    • katie
      Posted December 22, 2011 12:36 pm 0Likes

      Thank you, Carey! Last night when I couldn’t sleep I was thinking , “Maybe I could record one more this week…” STOP ME BEFORE I RECORD AGAIN!

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