This is a heartbreaking yet fascinating episode with masters library student and master musician Sarah Parker talk about her inspiring time in Africa working in the Village of Hope teaching kids to read. I hope it inspires you as much as talking to her did me.
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In this episode you’ll hear
- Jennifer Hubert Swan of Reading Rants on YA mysteries, specifically, The Girl Is Murder
by Kathryn Miller Haines
- A Take5 Marketing Tip from Dianne de Las Casas: Bookmarks (
- How The Village of Hope works
- child slaves and how they’re saved
- what happens when the child slaves escape and their owner comes to find them
- Jantsen’s Gift: A True Story of Grief, Rescue, and Grace
by Pam Cope
- what a typical day is like working there
- the best pencil sharpener ever yet…
- how a pencil sharpener becomes a weapon
- how to teach a child to read when they don’t speak English
- how my middle grade novel,The Curse of Addy McMahon
made it to Africa!
- how kids are placed in which grades
- Sarah’s YouTube channel is called zebramuzak is right here
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Colby Sharp
Great job with this interview Katie! I am a fourth grade teacher in Michigan and I am becoming a bigger and bigger fan of your podcast each time I listen. This story was amazing. Thanks for sharing.
Also, I thought you did your best job as an interviewer in this podcast. I really liked how you just kind of sat back and let her tell her story. You questions did a great job of moving the story along. Well done.
Wow, Thank you SO much for taking the time to tell me this, Colby. It makes me feel so good to share these stories and your encouragement really means a lot. Just curious – how did you find out about the show to begin with?
Colby Sharp
It is funny. I first heard about it when from Mr. Shu, but I’ve also seen stuff on twitter and 100scopenotes.
While I’m singing your praises I’ll give you list of my favorite podcast you’ve done.
1. Skyping with Kate Messner
Ms. Messner might be the nicest person I have ever come across associated with children’s literature. I am counting down the days until I meet her at NCTE in the fall.
2. Life after Winning the Newbery
Rebecca Stead was so interesting. The fact that When you Reach Me is my favorite Newbery winnter might have had something to do with why I liked it so much.
3. Dave Roman
He and I both found your podcast late and listened to all of them in a row. Some of my students me him a couple of weeks ago at a comic convention and he was super nice. You really need to read Smile by his wife. It is my favorite GN of all time.
Who I’d Love to see featured:
Donalyn Miller-The Book Whisperer-google her she is “the bomb”
Tom Angleberger-Super cool author of the book The Strange Case of Origami Yoda. We’ve Skyped with him and totally transformed reading in my classroom:
Sorry for the long comment. Looking forward to the next podcast.
Don’t be sorry! Lol – it’s very informative! I’m on my way back from ALA where I met Tom, Erin Stead and Clare Vanderpool, all of whom said they’d be on the show! Also had same convo with Raina, who will send me SMILE and then she will be coming on!