Episode #14 How Do Dinosaurs Create a Hit Series? An interview with Jane Yolen and Mark Teague

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Show Notes

Episode #14
Subject: How Do Dinosaurs Create a Hit Series?
Guests: Jane Yolen and Mark Teague
Betsy Bird’s Review: The Water Seeker by Kimberly Willis Holt

In this episode:

-The upcoming Rochester Children’s Book Festival  Saturday, November 6th
-Tweetchat on November 5th from 12-1pm with #RCBF
-Next month former Harcourt editor,  host of the blog dear-editor.com, and novelist Deborah Halverson will be on the show, so call in your questions now!

-Jane Yolen talks about whether there will be a dinosaur toilet training book.
-Who her fave under-the-radar author is these days.
-We find out why Mark Teague doesn’t have a web site.
-Jane tells a racy story about her coat catching on fire.

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