Candy Fleming talks about the magical writer’s workshop at Chautauqua and why you should go.

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Show Notes:Amelia Lost

Today’s interview was unplanned – well, I planned it once I knew I was doing it! I mean, I hadn’t expected to do it… the Writers Workshop at Chautauqua requested that I interview Candy Fleming! And of course, I was honored to do it.
In this episode you’ll hear about:

  • How I just found out I’ll be doing a break out session at the big SCBWI 40th Anniversary Conference this August in LA! The subject? Podcasting your way to success!
  • My session at the New England SCBWI conference in May, called I Hate Twitter and 9 Other Stupid Things to Stop Saying and Start Using Social Media to Enhance Your Career and I’m thrilled that already has people signed up for it! Thank you! YAY!
  • How you can win stuff! I will be having a ton of drawings and giveaways in conjunction with the debut of Little Chicken’s Big Day. And here is the first one – a contest about contests! Just call my toll free voice message at 888-522-1929 or contact me with your idea for a great giveaway or contest. I will decide on one (possibly more if I get enough good ideas! I have been stocking up on great prizes, don’t you worry!) and if I pick yours, you will win Little Chicken’s Big Day, signed and personalized plus a stack of temporary tattoos, plus three other books: Brownie Groundhog and the February Fox by Susan Blackaby, Song of Middle C by Alison McGhee and The Selfish Giant, an Oscar Wilde book and accompanying CD illustrated by chris Beatrice. That’s almost $70 in prizes!

Here’s the tattoo, just below…
Little Chicken's Big Day tattoo

Brownie Groundhog and the February Fox

The Selfish Giant

Song of Middle C



  • Grace Buonanno
    Posted April 2, 2011 12:24 am 0Likes

    I liked listening to Candace and Katie Talking about Chautauqua. I must say that having attended the conference at Chautauqua at least four times, I agree with everything Candace said. The one thing that perhaps was not mentioned enough was the great, fabulous,. gourmet food they serve.

    • katie
      Posted April 2, 2011 6:24 am 0Likes

      Oooh. Now I really want to go! Thanks for listening!

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