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Sponsored by The Highlights Foundation – check out the amazing workshops they have! Here is an episode I did with the people who are presenting Making the Web Work for You.

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Right click here and do a “save as” to download a PDF transcript of this episode. If you are deaf or hard of hearing, transcripts of other episodes are available by request.
In this episode you’ll hear

  • me talk about the Highlights Foundation workshop, Creating an Authentic Cultural Voice
  • how we will have our monthly Tweetchat, #KidlitPRChat, on Wed., March 7 form 6-7pm ET while I am at the Highlights Foundation workshop with faculty experts joining in!
  • questions from readers/listeners on promoting oneself in a blog comment and how to decide which way to go in a story
  • a review by librarian Mr. John Schumacher: Petunia Goes Wild by Paul SchmidPetunia Goes Wild
  • a Take5 Marketing Tip from Dianne de Las Casas: Evernote
  • a new segment called Julie Hedlund Gets All Grateful on Your A**

In this interview with Carol Rasco of RIF you’ll hear us talk about

  • What it’s like to work in the White House
  • Ways to integrate literacy in every day life
  • Every $2.50 donation gets a paperback into the hands of a child who needs a book.
  • 90% of every donation goes straight to the kids

How can I donate to RIF?

  • By mail:  
Reading Is Fundamental, Inc.
Development Department 
1255 23rd Street, NW
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20037
  • By phone: 
Call the development staff toll-free at 1-888-725-4801.
  • Online: 
Go to our secure donation page.
  • Additional options: 
You can also contribute through workplace giving, honor and memorial donations, bequeaths in wills, and many other ways. For more information, please visit our Other Ways to Give page.



  • Joanna
    Posted February 22, 2012 9:46 am 0Likes

    What wonderful, wonderful work RIF does. I loved hearing more from Carole. “How do you encourage a hungry child to read?” What an important and challenging question!
    There was so much on today’s episode. Thank you also to Mr Schu, Dianne and Julie! I so believe in the power of thankfulness, so I look forward to more of Julie’s thoughts each month on the podcast.
    Thanks, Katie. Another great podcast!

    • katie
      Posted February 22, 2012 5:55 pm 0Likes

      Thanks, Joanna! I’m grateful for such fantastic contributors!

  • Mr. Schu
    Posted February 22, 2012 1:25 pm 0Likes

    Thanks for inviting me on the show. 🙂

  • Julie Hedlund
    Posted February 22, 2012 1:49 pm 0Likes

    I’m so inspired by Carol’s fortitude and commitment to literacy and to continuing the critical work of RIF despite the hardship imposed by the loss of the federal grant. The world needs more like Carol!
    As such, I am going to make a donation. Also, where do we go for the Facebook promotion again?
    And of course, I am quite honored about my new series. Great show Katie (and Carol)!

    • katie
      Posted February 22, 2012 5:54 pm 0Likes

      Ack – I didn’t put the link? I must find that!

  • Denver Wagner
    Posted February 23, 2012 7:40 pm 0Likes

    RIF sounds like a wonderful organization. I couldn’t agree more with their mission.
    I’ve been listening to the show for quite a while and I really love the diversity of your guests (which shows how diverse the world of kidlit is). I am glad to hear that Julie Hedlund will have a regular feature. I’ve been following her wonderful blog since she was on the show.
    Also, your son is hilarious. Love the podcast!

    • katie
      Posted February 26, 2012 5:35 pm 0Likes

      Thanks, Denver! You’ve been listening to the show and I never even knew – that feels so weird to me!
      I’m really glad everyone seems to like Benny’s intro to Julie’s segment. We thought it was HI-larious, but you know some people might take offense. Funny trumps risk every time!

  • Donna Gephart
    Posted February 26, 2012 3:47 pm 0Likes

    Loved listening to the podcast on my way to and from my monthly writer’s meeting today. So excited about your new contributors — Mr. Schu and Julie Hedlund. And I loved Carol Rasco saying that books provide children with mirrors and windows; mirrors to see themselves in new ways and windows to access the larger world. Perfect! And your Tweet Chat on March 7th is the same day as World Read Aloud Day, something that’s definitely tweet-worthy. Thanks, Katie, for another inspiring, informative podcast!

    • katie
      Posted February 26, 2012 5:37 pm 0Likes

      Thanks, Donna! I loved that too. And March 7th will be quite busy! I’ll be at the Highlights Foundation workshop and will be Skyping a class while everyone watches AND co-hosting the tweetchat as a workshop event with the other faculty! I hope you join us!

  • Penny Klostermann
    Posted February 29, 2012 7:40 pm 0Likes

    This was a wonderful podcast. I am so glad I got to listen to your conversation with Carol rather than just read about it. I love hearing the voices…the excitement and dedication came through.
    I’m a real Julie fan, so I loved your new segment. Your son was very funny!

    • Julie Hedlund
      Posted February 29, 2012 7:42 pm 0Likes

      A “Julie fan” – wish you could see my heart melting. 🙂

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