Today’s guest is Chris Finan is the president of the American Booksellers for Freedom of Expression.
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In this episode you’ll hear
- me, freaking out because tomorrow is the first webinar I’ve ever run!
- my upcoming new eBook, How to Promote Your Children’s Book: Tips, Tricks, and Secrets to Create a Bestseller
- an apology to Tommy Greenwald for mangling his title! It is actually Charlie Joe Jackson’s Guide to Not Reading Here is the book:
- a review, the winner of the Most Connected by Theme to This Podcast Episode. by Jennifer Hubert Swan of Americus by MK Reed and Jonathan David Hill
- a Take5 Marketing Tip from Dianne de Las Casas: Pay it Forward
- The three Alaska bookstores who were plaintiffs in the ABFFE case were Bosco’s, Fireside Books, and Title Wave Books.
- The Massachusetts plaintiffs were Harvard Book Store and Porter Square Books, both in Cambridge.
If you’ve listened to my podcast, you’ve heard me raving about Cliff Ravenscraft, aka The Podcast Answerman. He has a five-week course called Podcasting A to Z and it is thorough. I know the kind of in-depth instruction Cliff gives because I’ve hired him as a consultant, I have listened to his podcast for over a year, and I’ve bought his other tutorial products. If you take his course and use the promo code “katie” in the shopping cart, you will get $99 off the cost of the course. Just so you know, I will receive an affiliate fee, however, I would never recommend something I didn’t have complete faith in. Cliff is the real deal. The course is $899.00 and goes for five weeks. Please see for full details. And don’t forget to use the discount code “katie” in the shopping cart to get $99 off the cost of the course.
Please go here for full details.
And don’t forget to use the discount code “katie” in the shopping cart to get $99 off the cost of the course!
Wendy B.
Your webinar was awesome! It was so helpful and both you and Deborah Halverson are so knowledgeable.
Veronica Bartles
The webinar was great! Thanks so much for your time and efforts! I can’t wait for your next one
K. MT King
Wow…what a fabulous first time experience you gave me! Thank you so much.
I can wait to get more…of “Writing YA for Dummies” that is…The intro was enticing, the
speaker inviting and the presentation was fulfilling …an aspiring author just couldn’t ask for more, but I will. I simply can’t wait to have my own copy. Thank you, Great presentation tonight. I’m totally hooked! ~K
Well, back atcha! I think I might be hooked too. uh oh.