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How do you market a self-published book of poetry for kids? This podcast interview with poet and social media maven Greg Pincus will explain it all (well, maybe not all) for you!
In the show you’ll hear
- a review by Julie Falatko of The Obstinate Pen by Frank W. Dormer
- a Take5 Marketing Tip from Dianne de Las Casas:
- about my new audio book version of the newly retitled How to Promote Your Book: Tips, Tricks, and Secrets to Create a Bestseller
In the interview you’ll listen to Greg and me talk about
- how he’s has been on the internet almost longer than anyone
- how he got into the big league news
- how he’s the “father of the fib”
- poetry
- his eBook, The Late Bird
- News for Nerds
- geek poetry
- watching your “tone of font”!
- Google+ and why Greg isn’t as involved with it lately (but he loves the hangout feature)
- why not to panic that you’re not everywhere online!
- his and Bonnie Adamson‘s #kidlit tweetchat on Tuesdays, 9pm ET
- Debbie Ridpath Ohi‘s guide to tweetchats for writers
- 30 Poems in 30 Days
- Ken Nesbitt
- Jack Prelutsky
- the book I hate that everyone else loves
- Greg’s oddaptations
Penny Klostermann
June 27, 2012 - 10:18 am ·I’m downloading as I comment! Love your podcast.