Updated with additional poet posters!

I’ve been planning a really fun way to celebrate poetry month and I’m finally ready to share it with you. Read that: get you excited so you’ll come visit here all next month! I sent out invitations to every children’s poet I could think of asking for any of the following:
•    a video of you reading your favorite poem
•    tips on how to get kids into poetry
•    how to teach love of poetry
•    your 7 best tips (or 5 or 3 – odd numbers work best to grab attention) to write a good poem
•    how to write a bad poem
•    why people think it’s easy to write like Dr. Seuss
•    a post about why you love poetry
•    why poetry is important
•    what poetry can do for a child/the soul/the world
•    how to sell a poem
•    apps about poems or poetic apps!
•    poetry ebooks
•    where to post poems
•    how poems differ from song lyrics if you think they do!
•    themed poems
•    recommendations of great books of poetry
•    recommendations of books to learn about poetry
•    a post about your favorite poem
•    a poem about your favorite poem, now or from childhood
•    write one especially for the month/ my blog/whatever you want
•    you can provide an audio file recorded on an iphone and send to me
•    write the opposite of what you usually write (funny? limerick? haiku?)
I have some amazing people already and just got a big YES from Doug Florian, someone whose work I completely geek out over, so I’m thrilled. Who else will be visiting? Check out this list and make sure to visit starting April 1 (and I’m not fooling).
Alan Katz
Renee LaTulippe
Jane Yolen
Gail Carson Levine
Leslea Newman
Lee Wardlaw
Laura Purdie Salas
Ed DeCaria
Anastasia Suen
Betsy Franco
Charles Ghigna
Michael J. Rosen
Irene Latham
Rebecca Kai Dotlich
Douglas Florian (mostly probably maybe)
April Pulley Sayre
Marilyn Singer
Bobbi Katz
Lisa Wheeler


  • Joanna
    Posted March 26, 2012 11:02 am 0Likes

    Wonderful list of poets and I love the options you gave them. I shall be swinging by throughout April….

  • Renee LaTulippe
    Posted March 26, 2012 2:47 pm 0Likes

    Ooh, can’t wait to see the other guest posts – I’m honored to be on that list!

  • sharon from farm and fru fru
    Posted March 26, 2012 10:15 pm 0Likes

    you have the best ideas! i’m already looking forward to it!

  • katie
    Posted March 26, 2012 10:26 pm 0Likes

    Thanks you guys! It’ll be such a fun month!

  • Ellen Ramsey
    Posted March 27, 2012 7:20 am 0Likes

    What a splendid collection of ideas! I’m already waxing poetical!

    • katie
      Posted March 27, 2012 7:49 am 0Likes

      Ellen, I just got another submission, an audio file, from Susan Taylor Brown. It’s amazing! I can’t wait to showcase all these amazing poets!

  • Bobbi Katz
    Posted March 27, 2012 9:12 pm 0Likes

    I’m pleased to accept your invitation, Katie. It’s always fun to celebrate Poetry Month with colleagues. What good topics!
    I think I’d like to show how to write a really bad poem by writing one! Yet I also think poetry is very important. I can give you a recording of my reading, but not until I finish my income tax!

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