Not Your Father's Father's Day Books

I went on Good Morning, Connecticut today and you know, I really didn’t want to go the usual Father’s Day Hallmark-y sapfest direction. You can find that pretty much anywhere you look. The station got some calls, and happily, they were to find out which books I recommended, not to complain, so that’s a good sign!

Here are more titles celebrating families with same-sex parents (thanks to Lee Wind for the list!):

Daddy, Papa, and Me by Leslea Newman
Mommy, Mama, and Me by Leslea Newman
In Our Mothers’ House by Patricia Polacco
We All Sing with the Same Voice by J. Philip Miller
Who’s in a Family? by Robert Skutch
Ryan’s Mom is Tall by Heather Jopling
Monicka’s Papa is Tall by Heather Jopling
The Not-So-Only Child by Heather Jopling
All Families Are Special by Norma Simo

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