Um, I will um, definitely try to stop saying ‘um’! Can I use the ‘ole “my coffee hadn’t kicked in yet and I hadn’t slept all night, worried my alarm wouldn’t go off at 5:30 am” excuse? Okay, never mind. I’ll just try to stop saying ‘um’.

Exciting news is that thanks to WTNH, I’ll be on every month promoting all kinds of books. My theme for next month is…can you guess? Yep, influenced by my year of thinking postive, books on positive thinking. C’mon, please tell me you guessed that?
Special thanks goes out to RJ Julia Booksellers for lending me the books to take on air!


    Posted February 8, 2009 1:37 am 0Likes

    Katie {} This is a fantastic clip. You did your homework AND your euphoria and passion came through picture perfect. I would have loved watching you speak about books even if I didn’t know you. {} A natural television talent. You should be very proud of yourself.

    I am feeling more and more blue that I missed KW last week. Your recitation of what I missed re: Ashley Bryan was the final dagger to my heart!

    I love poetry so much it hurts. WHY did I have to miss this? {}

    And… I miss you, too, TV Queen.


  • Phyllis
    Posted February 21, 2009 6:26 am 0Likes

    Hey Katie!
    I only counted, like 5 ums and a couple of uhs- not so bad – I mean,
    a brains gotta breathe!

    You are very telegenic with a fresh sounding voice. Your positive energy came through- I want to read the book about Ashley Bryan.

    Great Job!

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