I have a very thick case of Beach Brain, aka Summer Head, aka I Had a Tough Year And Am Just Vegging – take your pick. The sad part is – get out your hankies – we have a little family beach cottage that we escape to and sitting on the porch or tending to my garden seems like the absolute most pressing thing on my agenda. I AM working here, but it just doesn’t seem the same, sitting on a screened-in porch drinking one of my iced tea concoctions (try Celestial Seasonings Strawberry Tropical mixed with fresh oj).

One thing that has sidetracked me is a fabulous new website called Smashingdarling.com (it’s quite fun to say out loud in a snooty New England accent – make sure you set your jaw right). It is a site that showcases artisan’s work, everything from clothing, to accessories to jewelry – and that’s what I put up there…some of my beaded jewelry. Maybe I’ll sell a piece and have it pay for yet another one of my Happy Hands At Home obsessions. Yes, I admit it. My name is Katie and I am a Crafty Girl (that mosaic counter is at the beach house on the porch).

All this is my big excuse as to why I haven’t blogged in a bit. But today my friend (and author) Colleen Carroll and her family are coming for a visit! And little does she know, if Colleen allows me to corner her, I am going to interview her and have my first Real Blog Entry. Well, First Real Blog Entry That Deals With Work Related Stuff.

But now it’s 6am and I’m off for a bike ride. Then I’m going to cook a bunch of stuff for our incoming guests before it gets sweltering – no a.c. in this joint (see, I knew you’d cry for me).

See you soon,

1 Comment

  • jill Esbaum
    Posted August 4, 2007 6:37 am 0Likes

    See? That wasn’t so hard now, was it? Man, am I glad to hear that I’m not the only Summer Slacker.

    LOVE your blue necklace!!! And – ooh – your mosaic! Um…wanna spend some time at my house?

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