No, this post isn’t about “Reading, baby!” but a reading baby. This morning on the Today show they had a segment about a baby (17 months old!) named Elizabeth Barrett who is reading. I went on youtube and found this video from another, probably local, news show. Her parents are convinced she reads because they taught her baby sign language. But once on youtube, I found a lot of videos of babies reading, though not as well as Elizabeth.

Yeah, those other loser babies can’t read the word “penguin” what is up with THAT? They’re only reading – wait. BABIES ARE READING. How cool is that?!

1 Comment

  • Anonymous
    Posted March 10, 2008 12:43 pm 0Likes

    I saw that too! Amazing! She actually learned to sign from SIGNING TIME so she uses American Sign Language signs rather than baby sign language. My boys both signed before they were one yr old and my oldest was reading some words by two. Check out to learn more about children learning sign language

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