I just got back from a few days on Cape Cod, and feel satisfied that I’ve eaten enough clams to last all summer. Or at least until next weekend. Even better than the topnecks I slurped down today on our way out, even better than the homemade ice cream I devoured after every meal including breakfast, and even better than the bike rides through the scrubby pines at the tip of the Cape was meeting Sara Pennypacker, author of Clementine, my new favorite heroine.

Sometimes I read books and I think, “Wow, this is great. I could never write this.” I admire the author because his or her mind thinks sooooo differently than mine, and can appreciate the craft that is drawing my awe. Then there are the books that zing me straight to the heart, not only because the writing or characters are so evocative, but because it opens my eyes to what I might be capable of, if only I were as clever.

Clementine, by Sara Pennypacker is one of those books. It choked me up, it made me laugh, and it gave me the feeling great books do, which is to crave living in the story. Clementine herself is delicious, and Sara deserves all the kudos and awards she’s now receiving. And here’s the part I most love about being an author: I get to meet writers I admire!

Sara and I had known each other through a writers listserv, but hadn’t ever met. You know when you meet someone for the first time, and pretty much everything they say is something you feel, or have thought, or experienced? Even things you thought no one else has felt, or thought, or experienced? That’s not at all how it was.

Only kidding.

It’s EXACTLY how it was. Sara is fabulous, and so is her Clementine. Go read it right now. Even if you have no kids in your life. Even if you’re in 5th or 6th grade and think you’re too old for it. I can’t believe there is a person on the planet that won’t laugh while reading this book.

Okay, maybe there is one, because there are a lot of people on this planet, but that guy’s really grouchy.

See you later,

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