Podcast Episode #148
Episode sponsor: Just Write for Kids
This time it’s just me and you, the listener. I’ve got lots of questions like what’s the average word and/or page length of a young graphic novel and a lot of other questions answered, too.
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Questions include:
  • Since when is PROMOTION junk mail?
  • If I’m an illustrator and a writer, what’s the best way to submit my book to a publisher? (Hint: here is a link to the fab template by Elizabeth O. Dulemba‘s)
  • I’m not published yet but I’m creating my site. Should I start a blog?
  • Can I draw characters that are similar to characters on cartoons/picture books as long as it’s slightly different name and shape (ex. “sponge bill has pants” rather than Spongebob Squarepants) or could I potentially be sued for doing that?
  • Should you have more than one manuscript ready before you can really get a children’s book agent?
  • Do you keep track of hours you work on your books, receipts for how much you spend on your supplies and computers for tax deductions?
  • Are there portions of the Video Idiot Boot Camp videos that I could show and use with my 2nd graders?
Do YOU have questions?

If you’d like answered for the show, click here to record them and I’ll try to include them!

First Pages segment info

First pages will be completely anonymous! Submit and listen as the first pages or query letters are read and then critiqued to be improved in order to make the best possible impression when submitting.
Emma Dryden will be doing novels, both YA and middle grade. Emma Walton Hamilton will be doing queries, and Rachelle Burk, picture books.
All First Pages will be critiqued anonymously. Submit them as follows:

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  1. Open the show’s page in iTunes store here.
  2. Click on VIEW IN iTUNES button under the logo (cow).
  3. You will see the list of episodes. Scroll past them to “Customer Reviews” and “Write a Review” is right under that.
  4. Give it as many stars as you think it deserves!

Thank you!


  • Zach
    Posted August 31, 2013 4:05 pm 0Likes

    Hi Katie!
    Thanks for answering my questions! I also just wanted to say that I honestly didn’t intend the question about the Video Idiot Boot Camp to refer to just buying your product once and sharing it will all my students. I know you put tons of hours into it and I promise I would never try cheating you out of money by sharing your products with others for free. The question was honestly just seeing if you thought it would be age appropriate for my 2nd graders and if so, I was then planning on asking what you would ask for a “classroom rate”. I just figured I would ask if it would work with 2nd graders before asking you to figure out the classroom rate. I can’t imagine how many hours you put into that class and again, I would never try cheating you out of money like that. I like your podcast too much 🙂
    I think it was just one of those unfortunate instances where talking in person would clarify things better than typing out a message☹
    Hope that makes sense and thanks again for all you do! ☺
    Zach Roush

    • Katie
      Posted September 8, 2013 8:31 pm 0Likes

      Yes, you’re right! Sorry if I made you feel bad! I didn’t mean it that way either.

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