Brain Burps About Books Episode 200

An Extravaganza of Writerly Advice, a Free Webinar and a $1,000 Donation

Over 2 Dozen Top Authors and Illustrators Answer, “What Writing Rule Do You Love to Break the Most?”
[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”Episode 200 Celebration! An Extravanganza of Writerly Advice” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” ]
Click to tweet and join the celebration here!

  • To celebrate my 200th episode I wanted to go big. Go big or go home, right? So this reciprocity is a three parter:

1. A free info-packed webinar for you, my listener. Your ticket is an honest review of the podcast, which you can write by clicking here, then clicking the VIEW IN iTUNES button, then click RATINGS AND REVIEWS and then WRITE A REVIEW.

2. Let us know you did it by entering your email into the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this page so we can notify you the details for joining the webinar.
3. I’ll donate $1,000 to this charity if I get 40 new honest reviews by November 1.

Celebrate Brain Burps 200th episode with a free Platform Building Webinar with Katie

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Are you ready to crank up your career? Crank It Up October is open for registration! Four weeks of group coaching with me at a steal of a price. Find out all the deets here.

  • Club Burp-a-Palooza It’s only .19¢ a day, and you can get weekly transcripts and more here.
  • Get the FREE course I’m giving away called 100 Things Every Writer Must Do To Succeed Online here:

This week’s guests are:

Alan Katz - Take me out of the bathtub
Belches Burps and Farts Oh My by Artie Bennett
Barbara Dee - Trauma Queen cover
Brian Collier - Martins Big Words
Bruce Degan - Magic School Bus
Chris Barton - Attack-Boss-Cheat-Code-May-2014
Deborah Heiligman - CHARLES AND EMMA
Deborah Heiligman - THE BOY WHO LOVED MATH
Eric Valasquez - GRANDMAS GIFT
Florence Minor - IF YOU WERE A PENGUIN
Gail Carson Levine - ELLA ENCHANTED
Jane Yolen - OWL MOON
Judy Schachner - SKIPPYJON JONES
Mark Tyler Nobleman - BILL THE BOY WONDER
Mark Tyler Nobleman - BOYS OF STEEL
Matt Phelan - BLUFFTON
Michael Buckley - NERDS
Michael Buckley - THE SISTERS GRIMM
Nick Bruel - BAD KITTY
Peter Lerangis - SEVEN WONDERS
Peter Reynolds - THE DOT
Robin Preiss Glasser - FANCY NANCY
Tom Angleberger - ORIGAMI YODA
Victoria Kann - PINKALICIOUS
Wendell Minor - EDWARD HOPPER

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Note to my podcast listeners:

When I was listening to Fresh Air on NPR I thought, “Hey! I could do that, but with children’s publishing as my focus!” That’s how Brain Burps About Books got started. Writing is so solitary. I thought it would be a great way to get to talk to my friends and make new ones, plus I could help others learn. Maybe I’d learn some stuff myself, too. I’ve had the privilege of talking to the first three National Ambassadors for Young People’s Literature, to librarians and New York Time’s bestselling authors. I’ve interviewed to booksellers and publishers, writers, illustrators, app creators, and app distributors, and more! There is always something new on the horizon to learn and to share. So many listeners have asked how to support the show, and actually, now you can. I’ve installed a donate button to help defray the costs of producing the show. What do you learn or get out of Brain Burps every week? If it’s worth donating a dollar, two dollars, five, or whatever you think the show is worth to you, it would help enormously. The show costs $20 a month to keep on the server, and that’s only if there are four shorter episodes in a month. That number doesn’t include other costs like my time to research and record, post, edit the intros and outros, web hosting, and equipment and software to do all this. I ended up loving podcasting. I love my listeners. My “Burpers!” This is my gig, I know. and like I said, it’s an incredible experience for me. But if you’ve you’ve been helped, or just love it too, and you’re able, here’s your opportunity to help defray the costs. No matter what, thank you for being a Burper!


  • Maria Marshall
    Posted October 24, 2014 7:49 pm 0Likes

    Katie, what a wonderful idea and a great cause. So much fun to listen to the authors and ilustrators. Thank you.

    • Katie
      Posted October 26, 2014 12:38 pm 0Likes

      Thanks, Maria, I hope I see you in the Q&A webinar!

  • Lauren Soloy
    Posted October 25, 2014 7:48 pm 0Likes

    I just left a review on the Canadian Itunes site. I think I did everything right! Love your podcast 🙂

    • Katie
      Posted October 26, 2014 12:37 pm 0Likes

      Thank you, Lauren! And I’m glad you told me it was left on the Canadian site – I should have made that part of my instructions! I’d love to make it to the New & Noteworthy page on iTunes (obvi not NEW!) and getting a lot of reviews in a short period can do that. But I’m not sure if it’ll work if the reviews are for different countries. We shall see, won’t we? thanks again!

  • Susie Mehring
    Posted October 29, 2014 9:48 am 0Likes

    Hi Katie,
    Great webinar. I couldn’t find the “Rafflecopter” link you said was at the bottom of the page. Am I missing something?

    • Kelli Panique
      Posted October 29, 2014 12:23 pm 0Likes

      Hi Susie! This is Kelli, Katie’s assistant. Not sure what happened here, but the Rafflecopter is back up! You’ll find it just below the books. Thanks for the heads up.

  • laurie heflin
    Posted October 29, 2014 11:00 pm 0Likes

    I wrote a review of #200….Great show!! I hope this is the rafflecopter link I was supposed to use? Laurie

  • Taurean J. Watkins (@Taurean_Watkins)
    Posted October 30, 2014 10:49 pm 0Likes

    Great episode, would’ve commented sooner but was having a personal crisis I was working through, I’m still working through but I’m more stable now. I just got my review up on iTunes.
    The surprise I planned for your 200th ep. is still coming along, but better late than never, hit some tech snags, but I can’t wait to share it when it’s ready, hearing about your wanting yo help those in your new neighborhood gave me an idea that will also help others and celebrate the podcast so it give more win-win-win.
    Finally, to answer your question posed in this episode-
    The one writing rule I LOVE to break above all else is that rule/myth that only preschoolers like animal stories. NOT TRUE.
    The problem is that most people don’t see the variety and nuance that’s possible, and truthfully it is HARD to find people open to this type of story.
    Animal fantasy isn’t just cutesy romps, paranormal beasts, and clan-based warfare in the vein of “Redwall” or “Warriors” (Not that there’s anything wrong with any of the above)
    It’s just as rich, versatile, and valid a genre as any other, the problem is lack of variety for readers older than 8.
    There are happy mediums between cartoony and realistic, it doesn’t have to purely one or the other, and I hope building my “Talking Animal Addicts” community will help hammer that message home. Okay, slight soapbox over now. Take care.
    Taurean J. Watkins (Taury)

    • Katie
      Posted November 3, 2014 8:00 am 0Likes

      Taury, So glad you’re coming through the other end. Take your time, I’m not going anywhere! I like celebrating any time at all! And thank you for the review of the show. I SO appreciate that!

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