You know when you believe something or more importantly, live something and you get confirmation from somewhere that yeah, that’s a good way to go, especially after many have warned you against it? I’ve been listening to a book called 10x by Grant Cardone. He’s an action warrior. Do it now! He says. Do it BIG! He doesn’t say don’t be afraid to do it. He says what I’ve said for years.

Be Afraid. But Do It Anyway.

That is, jump in! My dad used to say, “This ain’t no rehearsal, honey.” I thought he made it up and that he was brilliant. He was brilliant, but he didn’t make that up. But he lived that way. I live that way. I hope you are, too.

Fear no writing.

Whatever you’re working on and procrastinating on, do it. Do it now. Just dive in. You can do it.
Go do it now.

1 Comment

  • Elizabeth
    Posted July 31, 2012 8:26 am 0Likes

    YES! 🙂

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