For something like the 8th year in a row, I had a fabulous time going to the GW Elementary School in NY. I’ll let the photos tell the story…
First, I was greeted with a retelling of my book, WHO HOPS? by the first group of kindergartners I saw.
These kids were SO well behaved!
I drew a story we kind of sort of made up together.
The kids made faces and I drew them on the characters in our story.
Then we broke for lunch and for dessert we had the cheesecake I begged the assistant principal, Daryl Stinchcomb to make! I remembered it from last year, and I have to say it is THE best cheesecake I’ve ever tasted. But he won’t share the recipe! How sad is that?
We destroyed this cake! And there were only a few of us eating! 
And the last lovely moment of this wonderful day was filled with poetry! Poetry written by the kindergartners of course. But the nicest surprise was that the poem was about my books!
Thank you!