Last night’s webinar with Deborah Halverson, “Four Fixes for a ‘Flat’ Story” was incredible! Yes, we had some technical difficulties, but considering it was the first one I’ve run, and Deb and I live on opposite coasts, I thought it went AWESOME! (coming soon: a downloadable recording of the webinar!)
But don’t believe me, here are what some attendees wrote to me after:
Thank you so much for the program this evening! I learned more from Katie in one hour than all the research I’d done for months now. She is an amazingly talented and articulate teacher.
Blessings and gratitude,
Lorraine Castro, LMFT
Thank you Katie and Deborah for an amazing, inspiring and wonderful webinar. I can’t wait to put your helpful suggestions into practice. It was an engaging, often hilarious presentation (the slides rocked my socks!) that is sure to stay with me long after this event. Thank you for all the work you did and continue to do. I would love to attend more of these webinars, and it would be amazing if your Podcasting workshop was also made into a webinar.
Eti Berland
Wonderful stuff…clear…right to it…excellent specifics…thank you!!!!!!
Drew Lamm
TERRIFIC webinar, ladies! You’ve kept me awake until 4 AM here in Brussels. 🙂
Mayra Calvani
Thanks for a great writing webinar tonight @KatieDavisBurps and @Dear_Editor . If you get a chance, attend one!
Lizann Flatt
Thanks for hosting the Meet The Editor webinar tonight. It was wonderful! I have two pages full of notes from it. 🙂
Sharon Mayhew
I learned about the July 27 webinar with Deborah Halverson through the Cultural Arts of Fairfield County e-newsletter. Thank you both for presenting this material – I filled four pages of my notebook with useful information tonight!
Marika Ford
Fantastic job, ladies!
I feel inspired and plan to “dust off” some manuscripts and get them out there. Also, I belonged to a writers’ group in PA, but have not joined one since moving back to get back into one. As a K-8 school media specialist, I found the comments on the different genre very helpful, but think that this could be another webinar in itself. As teachers we are always struggling to help the kids become aware of the nuances within the different genres.
I did not mind one bit that we ran over time. It was definitely worth it.
Thanks again,
Judy Ignasiak
This webinar was fabulous! Great advice and some gems in the Q and A as well! Bring on more webinars, Katie!!!!
Gail Handler
Thanks for the entertaining and pragmatic webinar. I felt like I was chatting with friends in our writer’s group!
Gail Swift
What a fantastic Webinar- really entertaining and specifically helpful! Thanks for offering this terrific opportunity for all of us. Can’t wait to get the transcript/podcasts/or other archive of it.
I loved the slides, too! So much fun!
Sandy Brehl
Your webinar was awesome! It was so helpful and both you and Deborah Halverson are so knowledgeable.
Wendy B.
Jerry Craft
Wow…what a fabulous first time experience you gave me! Thank you so much.
I can wait to get more…of “Writing YA for Dummies” that is…The intro was enticing, the
speaker inviting and the presentation was fulfilling …an aspiring author just couldn’t ask for more, but I will. I simply can’t wait to have my own copy. Thank you, Great presentation tonight. I’m totally hooked!
K. MT King
Thanks for putting together a valuable hour and a half for children’s authors!
Sandy Grubb
Thanks so much for this webinar! I’m excited to employ your techniques to ban the dreaded “f-word”* from my manuscripts!
Veronica Bartles
Thanks for this webinar. I really appreciate sharing the wealth!
Caryn Neidhold
Thanks for such a great and informative webinar. Loved it!
Laurie Young
This webinar was fabulous. I feel like a learned a conference full of information in just an hour and a half. Thanks for doing this for us.
Jodelle Brohard
the Webinar was so well done! I’ve listened to others where the participants just talked among themselves and thought it was all a joke. You gave straight, thoughtful answers, and my critique group listened.
Barbara Schneider
The webinar was fabulous with lots of good info. and advice. I appreciate the time and effort you ladies put into it! Thank you!
Liz Illenberger


  • Jenny
    Posted July 28, 2011 8:31 am 0Likes

    Hi Katie:
    Just wanted to say I had a terrific time listening to the webinar last night. I found it very informative. I am always thrilled when editors open the door into their world and we get to listen to them and what they look for when viewing a manuscript. Deborah Halverson from dear editor dot com was amazing and passed along some great tips. Thank you, Katie, for hosting the webinar and I look forward to attending more.

    • katie
      Posted July 28, 2011 9:58 am 0Likes

      I thought Deb did a great job, especially since she was way out of her comfort zone!

  • Lisa Wroble
    Posted July 28, 2011 9:18 am 0Likes

    Wow, for a first-time webinar it was fantastic! I can’t wait to see what your future webinars will be like!
    I was so excited by what I learned about “4 fixes for a flat story” last night that I’m putting it to use this morning on a MG novel and an adult short story. Loved the fun slides which are helping me remember everything you and Deborah talked about. (And they were so much better than staring at the same image or a screen of text as in other webinars.) Thanks so much for hosting, Katie!
    Lisa Wroble, Naples, FL

    • katie
      Posted July 28, 2011 9:57 am 0Likes

      Thanks, Lisa! It was so much fun I couldn’t fall asleep for the longest time!

  • Veronica Bartles
    Posted July 28, 2011 9:43 am 0Likes

    I can’t wait for your next one in August 🙂

    • katie
      Posted July 28, 2011 9:56 am 0Likes

      Ooo! Thanks! Sign up soon if you haven’t already!

  • Erin Beth Liles
    Posted July 28, 2011 9:59 am 0Likes

    The webinar was awesome! Before I went to bed last night, I put a post-it note with the word “sub-text” on it as a reminder to work on that in my WIP. Thank you!!

  • Cynthia
    Posted July 28, 2011 10:43 am 0Likes

    I often read DearEditor but to actually hear Deborah Halverson talk and answer questions added a new dimension.. so much fun and informative! Thank you!

  • Vong
    Posted July 28, 2011 10:50 am 0Likes

    Thanks for putting on this fun webinar! The slides were great and the examples were extremely helpful! Thank you!

  • Katie
    Posted July 28, 2011 11:05 am 0Likes

    I was sorry I had to miss this and very much look forward to the audio! Thanks for organizing and sharing your knowledge!

  • Theresa
    Posted July 28, 2011 11:47 am 0Likes

    Had to miss the live event. Can’t wait for the audio to come out. Deborah is great. I’ve been following for awhile now.

  • Sandra Havriluk
    Posted July 28, 2011 11:54 am 0Likes

    Wow, terrific information, great format. Loved it!

  • Irene
    Posted July 28, 2011 1:01 pm 0Likes

    Hi Kristi,
    I just wanted to say THANK YOU for such a wonderful webinar that is so filled with great information. I am in the middle of writing a MG novel right now. And I really needed all the wonderful information that you provided.
    ~ Irene

  • Lynn Kelley
    Posted July 28, 2011 1:17 pm 0Likes

    Thank you, Katie and Deborah, for that awesome and informative webinar. I learned so much. The webinar was well done. I never would have guessed that Deborah was out of her element. And, Katie, you’re a natural. Well done. I’m enjoying Deborah’s Writing YA Fiction for Dummies. What an amazing resource.

  • Betsy Franco
    Posted July 28, 2011 1:17 pm 0Likes

    That Webinar last night was spot on. I started using the suggestions in my writing this morning. I was so much more aware of a different kind of subtext than I was used to from my drama classes. I included the senses in a more natural way, and I was conscious of having the actions reveal the character instead of the dialogue. Thanks, Katie and Deborah.

  • Jill
    Posted July 28, 2011 1:42 pm 0Likes

    Great webinar–lots of info I can use immediately! Thank you.

  • Laurie Young
    Posted July 28, 2011 3:17 pm 0Likes

    I was just going over my notes from last night and have found so many great points to apply to my WIP, especially the part about setting. This will be immensely helpful during the revision process. Thanks again!

  • Blanche Baxter
    Posted July 28, 2011 3:49 pm 0Likes

    I am feeling inspired after this attending this informative webinar. Somehow you two seamlessly scrunched years worth of info into an hour session. You both spoke with wisdom and grace (and humor)! Thank you. 🙂
    PS. Great job running your first one Katie, it was the perfect webinar to indoctrinate me into the process. . . I’ll be back for more!

  • Sharon Mayhew
    Posted July 28, 2011 9:21 pm 0Likes

    Hi Katie! I’m glad you found my comment on the other post. 🙂 My dear friend Robyn Campbell has been trying to post a comment about the webinar all day. For some reason her computer isn’t letting her come to your blog. I know she really enjoyed the webinar. I suggested she check her firewall…
    (I just wanted you to know she was trying. Maybe this comment can count for Robyn’s entry in the drawing???)

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