I’ve gotten more comments of “You should try to get on Oprah!” than I have royalty statements – and I’ve been doing this a decade and a half! Since the Oprah show is off the air (and didn’t anyone ever notice our beautiful O. didn’t highlight kidlit?) this is the closest I’ll ever get. And that is just fine by me because I am beyond thrilled! In addition to PBM being covered by SLJ and PW, Oprah blog writer Amy Shearn has written this lovely piece right here. Please go read it, and if we can get her a crazy number of comments, maybe we can give Amy a reason to cover more picture book issues for Oprah’s blog!
Gorgeous Miss O.


  • amy shearn
    Posted November 21, 2011 2:14 pm 0Likes

    Hey, thanks for the shout out! Glad we could cover this wonderful program. I love what you guys are doing — and I love picture books! In fact, I write about one a week (or try to anyway) on my personal blog, householdwords.wordpress.com. I think I will have to check out I Hate To Go To Bed… sounds like a little person I know. Anyway, picture books forever!

    • katie
      Posted November 21, 2011 2:26 pm 0Likes

      Absolutely! We were all freaking out that it appeared there! Very, very nice coverage. Thank you again!

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