(That is, ask for favors.)

If you’ve ever learned something about the business from my newsletters, blog, podcasts, or videos would you consider helping me? (by September 30)

The nominated podcasts on PodcastAwards.com will have 40,000,000 views, if last year is any indication. I’m not asking you to vote. Just nominate. It’s easy & it would help get my podcast seen (and then heard) by more people thereby further spreading The Gospel of Kidlit.
Step 1: Click here to get to the podcast awards nomination page.
Step 2: In first row, under PEOPLES CHOICE and in the 4th row down on the left, in the EDUCATION category, enter Brain Burps About Books where it says “Podcast name”.
Step 3: Under that, where it says “Podcast URL” enter http://BrainBurpsAboutbooks.com
Step 4: Enter your details at the bottom, hit submit and you’re done.
That is all.
If you can do this, and do it by the September 30 deadline, I thank you.
Podcast AWARDS Contest


  • Carey Drake
    Posted September 22, 2011 4:46 pm 0Likes

    Katie, your podcast is invaluable to me. I’m a self-published (and hopefully soon-to-be traditionally published) artist/illustrator. Sometimes your advice makes perfect sense, and other times, it’s an absolute revelation! I love the candid interviews, goof-ups and all. It makes me feel somehow closer to the conversation. You seem to have a gift for putting your guests at ease, and subsequently making them spill the beans on the whole dirty business of KidLit. I’m delighted every time I look at my Zune (yes, Zune, which is way awesomer than the iPod [says the guy who’s never owned an iPod]) and see a new BBAB waiting for me. Can’t wait for the next one!
    Best of luck with the award.
    Carey Drake
    Author and Illustrator of “Safe and Sound”
    (how’s THAT for a URL?)

    • katie
      Posted September 22, 2011 5:00 pm 0Likes

      Wow. Just…wow. Carey, this comment actually brought tears to my eyes. This means so much to me. And thank you for the nomination!

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