In an effort to be fair and to learn more about the motives of the man behind the removal of the ‘N’ word in Huck Finn (as well as the word ‘injun’), I invited Dr. Alan Gribben to be a guest on my podcast, unfortunately, this was his response:

Thanks for the invitation, Ms. Davis.  Your children’s literature podcast sounds great (and innovative).

However, I now have to return to teaching my classes following a flurry of media interest in my edition, which I intended for those school districts where TOM SAWYER and HUCKLEBERRY FINN are currently banned or for readers who find the n-word so offensive that they cannot otherwise enjoy the novels.  I hope that I have offered teachers an option that will enable them to introduce their students to these classic books.

Alan Gribben

To quote A Fish Called Wanda: “FRUSTRATED!”

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