Brain Burps About Books Episode #190

Apps & eBooks for Children with Starwalk Kids Media

An Interview with publisher Liz Nealon

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1 Comment

  • Taurean J. Watkins (@Taurean_Watkins)
    Posted August 8, 2014 7:57 am 0Likes

    I’m still listening to the episode and I KNEW I had to respond! This interview is so fun and insightful.
    I LOVED the “Ghostwriter” series. I’m still kind of bummed there wasn’t a special where we FINALLY found out who he was and how he became this disembodied guardian angel spirit of sorts who helped the kids solve mysteries and brought them together as friends who might otherwise not know each other.
    I someday hope to write a story like that where it brings an unlike group of kids together.
    In fact, my first e-mail address ever has “Ghostwriter” in it, and it’s because of my love of that show!
    Before I know about ghostwriting (from the publishing perspective) this what Ghostwriter meant to me as a kid.

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