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Show Notes

Episode #18
Guest: Deborah Halverson

CONTEST! I thought up a contest while talking to Deborah and the winner gets two signed books – one from Deborah and one from me, but you have to listen to know what the contest is because it’s definitely an aural contest!

This is one great episode! We have lots of writing and editing questions answered
 by former Harcourt editor and novelist (and mother of triplet boys!), Deborah Halverson. We discuss the awesomeness of Bernard Most (who also had a question), we talk about Twitter book parties (@Bookbday) which was created by the genius of author Mitali Perkins. 

I told Mitali I thought she should start an eBookBday site but her plate is full so maybe I will do it. In my spare time. (Insert Beavis and Butthead laugh here).

I also touch a little on the fab interview I got to do with Greg Pincus and (yes, there is more!)

Oh, and my latest newsletter came out, so if you want to check it out and then subscribe, here is a link for that, too.

I think that’s everything, and if not, oh well. I have to go cook some stuffing.


  • craveVSworld
    Posted November 26, 2010 6:28 am 0Likes

    Hi Katie,

    Looking forward to this podcast!

    Just a heads up…maybe you're aware and perhaps it's my computer, but this particular episode is listed as 0:00 and doesn't play. The others work fine.

    Respectfully submitted,
    Crave Cravak

  • Katie Davis
    Posted November 26, 2010 8:46 am 0Likes

    Hi Crave,

    Thanks for the head's up! I just checked it and it's playing okay for me. I do know there was a problem but I hope it's cleared up for you now. Please let me know!

  • craveVSworld
    Posted November 30, 2010 11:39 am 0Likes

    Hello again,

    The mystery continues. Now "Dear Editor" is listed as 45:11, but when downloaded it's still just 0:00. I think this is an issue between 1.) my computer and I 2.) my intelligence?. This could get ugly. All the other episodes work great, and are quite informative!

    Anyway, I appreciate your concern. Thank yoU! I posted a link to on my twitter, and I hope it works for everyone else!

    Take care,
    Crave Cravak

  • Katie Davis
    Posted November 30, 2010 12:50 pm 0Likes

    The mystery DOES continue, since I can hear it on the blog via the media player, but I just downloaded in iTunes, and had the same issue: 0:00! I've contacted my podcast host server and will continue to work on this problem! Thanks again for the head's up!

  • Katie Davis
    Posted November 30, 2010 2:23 pm 0Likes

    Crave, I hope you'll give it another shot – I guess hit refresh (hopefully you won't have to re-subscribe to the podcast) because I just got this answer from Libsyn, my fab podcast host:

    Thanks for the heads-up — we're not sure what might have caused this issue. (We were also getting a 0:00 file when downloading the file from your blog page.) We were able to edit the post and reupload the file to resolve the issue. So your listener should be able to access the complete file now — please let us know if you have any questions or problems.

  • craveVSworld
    Posted November 30, 2010 6:03 pm 0Likes

    Glorious news. Thank you!

    I will download it this evening. Looking forward to it.

    Even though you're the head honcho, I proudly present you with the 'Employee of the Month' award for costumer service.

    All the best,

  • Katie Davis
    Posted November 30, 2010 6:18 pm 0Likes

    HA! And even though I do this for no charge, I give you Customer of the Month for having such perseverance! Thanks so much!

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