Episode #63 – JibJab Makes eBook Apps for Children

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Evan Spiridellis of JibJab, the creators of a new make-your-own eBook app for children under the name JibJabJr.JibJab Logo

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In the interview we discuss

  • the JibJab logo and how it came to be
  • our high-low sense of humor
  • I say the word doodie. Out loud. Not the duty kind. You know what I mean.
  • how they went from political satire to eCards to this new app for children
  • why I get called rude
  • again, the more you give, the more you get
  • why special needs kids in particular love JibJab videos
  • why celebrity books are usually horrible


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1 Comment

  • Terry Doherty
    Posted September 28, 2011 1:57 pm 0Likes

    O.M.G. I had no idea … and I’ll NEVER be able to hid the JibJab app from my daughter! And congrats on the Trailee award nominations. I will get back up on my virtual horse so I can start nominatin’ and votin’!
    So glad to have you with us for the Cybils this year, Katie!

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