Deborah Lee Rose wrote me, “Even on really tough days, thinking and sharing positive thoughts helps keep me moving forward, and I can see the impact on others even before I realize it’s helping me.”

Today I went for some Cranial/Sacral work by a woman named Victoria. It’s that kind of new age stuff that the cynical New Yorker side of me automatically responds to as “Yeah, right.” But I’ve seen the positive effects of it and so will continue to believe in it.

Right now, as I type this, Victoria is having her own little dental nightmare and so my positive thought is specifically sent to her: Be victorious, Victoria!


  • Kathryn Magendie
    Posted January 27, 2010 12:56 pm 0Likes

    Yes to Positive Thoughts!

    Your website with the open head and pouring out thoughts is the cutes thing! 🙂 made me smile

  • Katie Davis
    Posted January 27, 2010 2:06 pm 0Likes

    Thanks, Kathryn! SO nice to hear that. I'm always wondering if that just takes too long but I put it in there instead of a "status" bar.

  • Carmela Martino
    Posted January 28, 2010 9:44 am 0Likes

    I just watched your TV videoclip posted at Blue Rose Girls. Great segment! And I love your idea of posting positive thoughts daily.

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