No! Not for president! For the important stuff – the Oscars, baby! Last year I won $40 because I tied for first at the party we were at. Tonight, same party, but I’m hoping the other winner won’t be there and I’ll win the pot! Here is who I’m voting for (big prizes only):
Best Pic – No Country
Actor – Daniel Day-Lewis
Actor Supporting – Javier Bardem, Friendo
Actress – Laura Linney, which was a hard pick considering I haven’t seen The Savages and I LOVED Marion Cotillard in La Vie En Rose, but hey, I’m going with la Americaine.
Actress Supporting – Cate, and NOT cus we have the same name. Kind of. I actually hope Amy Ryan wins, but I’m out for cash prizes.
Directing – No Country

Speaking of movies, I woke up today, this tenth day since getting sick, and felt well suddenly! So we went to see Vantage Point. Eh. Nothing much to it, and it got kind of annoying. I was yearning for some character driven meaning to all the action, but there weren’t none of that. But that Dennis Quaid is still, um, well.

See you soon,

1 Comment

  • Amy Timberlake
    Posted February 24, 2008 5:09 pm 0Likes

    l’m with you almost across the board. I think Ellen Page would be fun, but I LOVE Laura Linney. I think though that not enough folks saw that film. And I WANT, WANT, WANT to vote for The Diving Bell and The Butterfly, which I thought was one of the best films of the year. It totally stumped me as to HOW they were going to adapt a book where the main character can only move an eyelid. Holysmokes.

    But I’m out for prizes too tonight, so I couldn’t go there. We’ll see how I do!

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