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Just a reminder: NaPiBoWriWee starts today! (AKA National Picture Book Writing Week!)
Today on the show you’ll hear:

  • A review by Julie Falatko of Bee and Bear by Sergio Ruzzier

  • An interview with Joyce Wan, illustrator, entrepreneur, and licensor.

Joyce was full of great information for illustrators who want to get into licensing! Just check out the links below!
Resources to find product manufacturers:
Kate Harper Blog
The International Licensing Industry Merchandisers’ Association
Agency Access
New York International Gift Fair
National Stationery Show
Licensing Expo
Printers: (of course there are many but here are a few)
Moo (biz cards, labels)
PSPrint (postcards, catalogs)
Overnight Prints (postcards, sales sheets)
Greener Printer (eco-friendly printer)

I Just Like to Make Things
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  • Taurean Watkins
    Posted May 1, 2013 5:08 pm 0Likes

    Great episode, Katie, it was worth the wait.
    I just put my money where my mouth and true intentions lie and signed up for you Video Idiot Boot Camp, and thanks for letting folks see the first lesson free, that, along with all the behind-the-scenes stuff I’ve been doing for my own stuff was all the push I needed.
    After refreshing my YouTube channel, and junking what isn’t tied to my brand, I uploaded my first video. Granted, it’s basic, but a start, and was in conjunction with moving my blog from Blogger to WordPress (You and your podcast convinced me last year to do it, thanks), but it wasn’t until late last month I got it going without it crashing on me.
    I promise the next video I post will be me rather than an ominous hand (Which isn’t mine) but it was just to prove to myself it’s not scary and I can do it, and I do have new content for my blog to roll out this month and needed a video to let people know what was coming up.
    Like you, I had to take a hiatus from certain aspects of my online life, both for personal and profession reasons. I’m back now.
    My birthday’s coming up and VIBC is probably the best gift I’ve given myself in terms of advancing my presence, and while I WISH I started sooner, as someone’s who’s a perpetual “Late Bloomer” in so many facets of my life, I believe it’s NEVER too late to do better for yourself and for others.
    Oh, and Hermione’s Time Turner appeared in “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” third book of HP. Dumbledore gave it to her as part of the main mission of that book, I don’t remember if she kept it or gave it back, but it was one of the things I thought the movie did right (That and the Hermione Decking Malfoy bit, and he really asked for it! He’s lucky she stopped there, I would’ve tossed him off the hill for dissing my family with his callous remarks, I had non-deadly bully problems growing up, and wasn’t a fighter, well, at least not with fists…) That was my favorite book in the series because it had a little of everything.
    This was also a solid instance where I felt the movie didn’t do the book justice, mostly because they changed the order of certain scenes and axed others (Quidditch is FAR more fun to read in the books than watch in the movies, though the first two movies captured that better.)
    Don’t feel too bad, though, we writers read so many books it’s hard to keep track, unless we’re rabid fans, and while I loved HP, I’m not as fanatical as some of my writer friends are, as I was reading other things I loved before I gave HP a chance.
    This wouldn’t count as my answer to the end interview question if you interviewed me someday (I already have an answer to that, not that I’m assuming anything, of course, but I’m just prepared for that answer, I am a fan of the podcast).
    I’m pretty sure no one’s ever mentioned the book’s author, never mind the character from the author’s book’s yard sale I’d go to what I’d buy. after to listening to about half the shows you have up to now, but anyway, I’d used the time turner to visit both my four year old and 12 year old selves, hug them, and say-
    “I know what you’re living now is hard, even though in some ways you’re better off than other kids who are battling abuse or a terminal illness, but I know your pain is/was real and no less valid, and it will get better.” I know that breaks time travel rules, but if I’m alone with no one around, it would work.
    As far as younger versions of me believing I’m him from the future, I still believe in Santa Claus now as I did then, and would tell him I got a dog for a pet, the pictures alone would be proof it was me, which is good, since I have a beard now and he wouldn’t recognize me unless I shaved it. LOL…
    Well, that’s all for now, I’ll see you (And your fairy vid-mother consultant) in class-

  • Katie
    Posted May 1, 2013 5:27 pm 0Likes

    First, you win the prize for longest comment! Thank you for putting so much time, effort and feeling into it! It moved me and I smiled the whole time I read it. I LOVED that you posted your video and I hope you’ll repeat that stuff in the VIBC Facebook group! It’s important to share those accomplishments.
    I also think you should go visit your future self and let HIM tell your present self how awesome you got at making great videos!

  • Joyce
    Posted May 2, 2013 2:33 pm 0Likes

    Hi Taurean, thanks for clearing up the Time Turner question. Also, how you would use the Time Turner is really poignant. Katie, I also smiled as I read the post. Have fun in the video boot camp – I’m sure it will be amazing as Katie always puts 110% in everything she does! xo

  • santosh
    Posted May 7, 2013 1:03 pm 0Likes

    Thanks Katie, Great podcast! Great resources! Learning a lot about being a children’s book author and illustrator from you podcasts! Keep it up..Love the guests and the advice you give!

  • Kathy Rupff
    Posted June 7, 2013 3:37 pm 0Likes

    Hi Katie and Joyce, I am a big fan of Joyce’s also, ever since I saw her work at an SCBWI-NJ event a few years ago. LOVE her work! It was GREAT hearing Joyce’s story and learning more about her life growing up, her loving family, and how she’s become so successful. Really great interview, and thanks so much Joyce for sharing so much of your knowledge… I have always been interested in licensing and look forward to checking out many of the resources you mentioned. THANKS!!!

  • cyberdude
    Posted March 7, 2017 2:14 pm 0Likes

    Thanks for the resource links. Awesome comments from Taurean.

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