Sorry about missing yesterday – it’s getting busy around here!
As my readers know, I made a little movie that both markets my novel, and spoofs, in a self-deprecating way, the success of Twilight. If you haven’t seen it (and why would that be?!) my 12-year-old daughter did a scene in it where she has no time for me because she’s reading Twilight. She swore to me she’d never read it (and I was confident in this because she only really likes gritty reality fiction and foreswears fantasy). But, you know, all her friends are touting it, and there is the movie, and she is now reading it with the sequels on the to-read-next list.
HOWEVER, last night we were talking about it and though she giggles gleefully, “It’s getting SO good, Mama!” she also talks about how badly it’s written. Her exact words were, when I asked if the writing is bad, “Oh, it’s horrible! But I love the story!” She went on to tell me how repetitive it is, and “when she (the author) goes, Edward’s nose rubbed against her cheek, I’m like, c’mon! Who cares? No one does that! Get on with the story!” She dissed how many adverbs there were in it and looked at me with awe when I told her I only used one in my entire novel (teehee). We talked about why adverbs make for lazy writing, and after reading another chapter, dissed the writing even more.
And then giggled about how much she ADORES the book and the guy who plays Edward is so hot.
PS I’m posting my Freebie Friday later today because tomorrow I’ll be out of town.

1 Comment

  • Sheri
    Posted January 5, 2009 8:28 pm 0Likes

    WHEW! I thought I was the only one who didn’t quite “get” the success. I figured it was the deep secret archetypal desire to be among the un-dead. You know Dark Shadows was my favorite during those tween years and I still love vamp stories…but your daughter is right…the writing was bad. I think I am stopping at #1.

    So happy to find you again Katie and have added you to my inspiration list!

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